Russia felt it had to act in self-defense in special military operation to thwart U.S.-UK-NATO provocations and aggression and save people of the Donbas From November 18 to December 3, 2021, a NATO maritime exercise was organized by the French Navy (Marine National) off the Mediterranean coast and along France’s...
"King of Frugality" Promotes Fiscal Conservatism for Everybody Except Ukrainians Mark Rutte’s center-right government stands out among its European counterparts for its staunch anti-Russian policies and fealty to the corrupt government of Ukraine. Back in the era of the Napoleonic wars, Russian Czar Alexander played a central role in the restoration...
Confirms Vladimir Putin’s claims about Russia being under foreign attack while raising question about extent of U.S. and UK black intelligence operations in dirty war This is part one of a three-part series. Ang Wood took to the airwaves of the British state media BBC to appeal to Russian President...
Videos show servicemen, in Ukrainian BDU uniforms, shooting unarmed locals and then positioning bodies on the ground. The following letter has recently been widely distributed via email to the main international journalists working in the areas of Donbas not under Ukrop/NATO control. Below is the letter, followed by my comments on...
The U.S. establishment called the 2014 overthrow of President Victor Yanukovych in Ukraine a “revolution.” But given his commitment to social justice and equality, former CIA agent-turned-CIA-whistleblower Philip Agee would have known better. He would call it more accurately a violent, CIA-backed coup.  Agee would have recognized the usual pattern...
Since Russia’s military operation commenced on February 24, the socialist left has been divided in its response to the armed conflict in Ukraine.  On one side are those who align with the U.S., NATO and the Ukrainian state in denouncing Russia as the principal villain. In opposition are those who view...
The eastern Ukrainian countryside is being littered with Ukrainian Army mines while some towns have been abandoned as residents had to escape Ukrainian Army shelling. Residents consider Americans who send money to the Ukrainian government in the belief that they are protecting them from the Russians to be “idiotic” and...
Ukraine continues to fire internationally-banned anti-personnel mines on civilian areas of Donetsk and other cities in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR), in violation of international law and of the mine ban convention Ukraine signed in 1999 and ratified in 2005. Since July 27, Ukraine has been firing rockets containing cluster...
They are all funded by or staffed by Western and U.S. intelligence members pushing the U.S. narrative about the war in Ukraine. This is why organized a fact-finding mission to Ukraine and Russia to report on the suppressed information that challenges the narrative of NATO and its member...
How long will the U.S. continue to support these atrocities? And when will a movement develop to try and block U.S. military aid to Ukraine? On August 4, Ukrainian army rockets struck the drama theater of Donetsk and a neighboring area, killing famed ballerina and teacher, Galina Vasilyevna Volodina, and...