Tag: United States

Harris’ VP choice embellished his military record, and voted to fund war after war even when claiming to be against some of them Kamala Harris’s selection of Tim Walz as her running mate has garnered rave reviews in various liberal media outlets. However, during his 12 years in Congress, Walz voted...
The Democratic National Convention is taking place in Chicago this week. Amidst the fanfare and extravagance, there’s very little actual democracy inside as big-name politicians and those trying to make a name for themselves attempt to make the case for Kamala Harris to be the next president...
Laura Martinez was living an idyllic life in an upscale San Antonio suburb with her common-law husband Charlie Thrash, 78, when, on March 6, 2019, Charlie was taken by police from their home and placed in an assisted living facility. Charlie was declared to be incapacitated and placed under guardianship...
As Israel continued its relentless genocide on steroids of Palestinians in Gaza with hundreds killed in past weeks, imprisonment without charges of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank and destruction of the hospitals, universities, schools (8 UNRWA schools bombed in the past 10 days), cultural centers and indiscriminate...
When will people on the left get smart and build the wherewithal to prevent this from happening yet again? William A. A. Carsey was a covert operative working for the Democratic Party in the late 19th century, who infiltrated labor organizations and other independent political groups with the goal of...
On June 4, 2024, the 174th Attack Wing of the United States Air Force held a Clergy Day for about 100 clergy members at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in Syracuse, New York. The event started at 9:00 a.m. and ended at 1:00 p.m., with a free lunch provided.  The clergy...
The Biden administration has ratcheted up weapons supplies to India’s quasi-fascist government as part of a dangerous anti-China policy In early February, the U.S. State Department approved nearly $4 billion in drone sales to India, adding to the $20 billion worth of U.S.-origin defense material the U.S. had sold...
Venezuela’s elections took place on July 28th. Nicolás Maudro defeated the right-wing candidate Edmundo González Urrutia by over a million votes. The imperialist machine immediately jumped into action to denounce the elections, condemning Maduro as a dictator and calling the results undemocratic...
The United States is at it AGAIN!! The current social unrest in Venezuela aided and abetted by the United States is not the first time, and undoubtedly not the last time, it will interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries. On December 22, 2016, Ari Shapiro, the NPR Host...
Two college professors who studied and lived the 1960s, Peter Dreier and Maurice Isserman, recently had published an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times urging dissidents not to protest at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The first paragraph is a stark example of uber-liberals suffering from Trump Derangement...