Tag: Asia

Calls for the resignation of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol have rung out from civil society and beyond after Yoon declared martial law on December 3rd. The Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) called for strikes until Yoon steps down, and groups under and beyond that organization are heeding the call...
Sensationalistic headlines about North Korean engagement in Kursk contradicted by statements of Secretary of Defense On November 24, Newsweek ran a story by Ellie Cook with the headline “Russian and North Korean Troops Shrink Ukraine’s Gains in Kursk.” The title made it seem like North Korea was fighting on the front-lines...
Armenia is another battleground of the new cold war In July 2022, CIA Director William Burns made a surprise visit to Yerevan in Armenia. He was there officially to support his Agency’s financing of “non-profit organizations” whose stated purpose is to “spread democratic values.” The United States Agency for International Development...
Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam’s premier from 1954 to 1963, was a Cold War version of Volodymyr Zelensky, an American-subsidized ruler who was fawned upon by leading U.S. politicians and the U.S. media despite causing the ruin of his own country. Lyndon B. Johnson at one point compared Diem to...
On September 19, the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee hosted a webinar focused on the significant impact of women in the Vietnam era anti-war movement. The first speaker, Vivian Rothstein, who was drawn to anti-war activism after participating in the Mississippi Freedom Summer, spoke about her participation in a conference in...
Just 15 years ago, Chinese consumers were flocking to Western brands. Now they prefer Chinese ones. The fate of the Starbucks Group is telling: Sales and profits in its current 7,300 stores in China are declining. The Chinese are not drinking less coffee, but prefer Chinese brands, partly because they...
Unmasking media’s Incomplete Narrative: The true cause of the Afghan War lies beyond what you've heard in the media. It is rooted in a gas pipeline that the Taliban obstructed in 1998. The media’s portrayal of the conflict suggests that 9/11 was the sole catalyst, while consistently hiding a...
In late July, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a CIA cutout that specializes in regime-change propaganda, hosted a set of conferences where panelists alleged that North Korea had executed a 22-year-old man for watching South Korean soap operas. The allegations had earlier been reported in the New York Post...
Muhammad Yunus awarded Nobel Peace Prize and given Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama despite screwing over poor On August 8, Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank and a pioneer in the issuance of micro-finance credit loans, was sworn in as Bangladesh’s Prime Minister after protests forced the...
The Biden administration has ratcheted up weapons supplies to India’s quasi-fascist government as part of a dangerous anti-China policy In early February, the U.S. State Department approved nearly $4 billion in drone sales to India, adding to the $20 billion worth of U.S.-origin defense material the U.S. had sold...