Tag: Corruption

Laura Martinez was living an idyllic life in an upscale San Antonio suburb with her common-law husband Charlie Thrash, 78, when, on March 6, 2019, Charlie was taken by police from their home and placed in an assisted living facility. Charlie was declared to be incapacitated and placed under guardianship...
The Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP, the National Bar Association and more than a dozen civil rights groups have sent letters to Joe Biden asking him to pardon convicted Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. These groups describe her conviction as political targeting for her exposure of mass corruption amongst the...
Ukraine will go down in history as the graveyard of neo-conservatism where imperial overreach has led to major world power shifts. In late April, students at universities across the United States set up tent encampments and occupied buildings, protesting their campuses’ complicity in the Israeli war in Gaza. The chant “from...
The answer is capitalism: Hernández opened Honduras to U.S. investors who value profits over people, including the American people On March 8, an American jury in Federal District Court found former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández (JOH) guilty of conspiring to import cocaine into the United States and possessing and...
Clinton Covered Up for the Mena Affair and a Corrupt Old-Boy Smuggling Network That Helped Flood the Country with Cocaine in the 1980s Jean Duffey is a kindly 76-year-old grandmother living in Siloam Springs, Arkansas, who has a story to tell that is fit for a John Le Carré spy...
Raises Questions Also As to Why the Democratic Party Would Choose Someone So Far to the Right to Become the Party’s Effective Foreign Policy Spokesperson The jaw-dropping three-count federal indictment against Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chair Robert Menendez (D-NJ), his wife, and three businessmen with close ties to the authoritarian...
Danny Casolaro’s Death in August 1991 Was Ruled a Suicide But Overwhelming Evidence Indicates That He Was Murdered—Likely by Rogue Elements of the CIA in Collaboration with the Kuwaiti Royal Family When a housekeeper at the Martinsburg, West Virginia, Sheraton Hotel entered Room 517 on the morning of August 10,...
…And Unjustly Imprison an ICC Official Who Was Trying to Return the Money to the U.S. Treasury? Most Americans complain about corruption, whether at the local, state, or even national levels. Yet we are taught to believe that we don’t have to live with corruption as an endemic part of...
Serbia is one of the key battleground countries in the New Cold War that is being cajoled into the Western orbit. During the 1990s, the Clinton administration orchestated a regime change in Serbia targeting the socialist Slobodan Milošević, first by bombing and military attack, and then by sponsoring a...
“In a serious country we wouldn’t have an investigation dragging on for four years,”— Marinete da Silva, mother of slain Rio de Janeiro city councilwoman Marielle Franco. RIO DE JANEIRO – Four-plus years after the assassination of Rio de Janeiro councilwoman Marielle Franco (38), social media giant Facebook has yet...