Tag: Cybersecurity

Everything that was once created for the common good turns into a farce nowadays. All words about international cooperation are just empty words. A case in point is the professed commitment of high-level politicians to combating cyber-crime when we have evidence that cyber-security organizations are being used as a...
Twitter’s former head of security, Peiter “Mudge” Zatko has come forward blowing the whistle on the company’s internal security practices—which he says are serious national security threats. Zatko sent the complaint and supporting documents to the Justice Department and the F.T.C. and has gone public with his concerns about the platform. We dive deeper into what it’s alleged that Twitter has been hiding and its implications.
CAM End of School Year Special on the Military-Industrial Academic Complex Instead of advancing critical thinking and cultural awareness and compelling students to read great literature, Purdue like many other American universities today is conditioning them to spy on their fellow citizens and fight the new cold war—with machines. An Associated...