Tag: Drone War

On April 19, six peace activists—including three military veterans—were arrested for trying to block the entrance to a U.S. Air Force base in Holloman, New Mexico, where drone pilots are trained. One member of the so-called Holloman 6, Denise Sellers, 80, pleaded “no contest” to her charges and was given...
Biden’s Big Lie About the Afghan War May Turn Out to Be Dirtier and Deadlier Than All of Trump’s 30,573 Lies Combined   On August 31, President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. stepped up to the White House podium, squared his shoulders, looked the American public straight in the eye -- and...
In mid-July, 100 Afghan families from Bamiyan, a rural province of central Afghanistan mainly populated by the Hazara ethnic minority, fled to Kabul. They feared Taliban militants would attack them in Bamiyan. Over the past decade, I have gotten to know a grandmother who recalls fleeing Talib fighters in...
“United States foreign policy in Somalia has always sided with the wrong side.” That’s how Mohamed Haji Ingiriis, a young Somali historian studying for his doctorate at Oxford, summarized Washington’s legacy there in an interview with CovertAction Magazine. Instead of promoting what it claims to—peace, stability, “nation-building”—the U.S. government, Ingiriis...