Tag: Ecuador
Ecuador’s current president, Daniel Noboa, and the left-wing opposition candidate, Luisa González, will face off in a head-to-head runoff election on April 13.
With more than 99.96% of the votes counted, the ruling party secured 44.31%, while the candidate aligned with banned and self-exiled former president Rafael Correa obtained 43.97%,...
One in Two Hundred and Forty-Eight Thousand: A Migrant’s Journey Not to the Mythic Mexico-U.S. Border But a Beeline Back To Cuba
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While socioeconomic conditions worsen and desperation mounts, caravans heading northbound to the Mexico-U.S. border keep flowing.
Holguín, CUBA — “I’m sure you guys heard this all the time and it’s probably...cheesy and cliché but the American dream dies hard,” said The New York Times Andes bureau chief, Julie Turkewitz. “Even...
Millionaire Banker and Former Coca Cola Director With Ties to Far-Right Wing Opus Dei Catholic Sect Defeats Socialist Candidate in Ecuador
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Dirty Tricks in Race Pay Off
Millionaire conservative Guillermo Lasso, former banker and Coca Cola director, won the run-off election over socialist candidate Andrés Arauz, 52.5% to 47.5%.
Arauz had led the pack of 16 presidential candidates during the first round, on February 7th, with 32.7% of the vote over Lasso’s...
Ecuador’s New Socialist Party Set to Win Elections Despite U.S. Intervention and Deceptive Identity Politics
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Ever since the former President Rafael Correa-backed presidential candidate, Andrés Arauz, won first place with 32.7% of the national election vote on February 7 (first round), the U.S.-backed Pachakutik candidate, indigenous eco-activist Yaku Pérez has been trying to defame Arauz and prevent him from participating in the April 11th...
Former model and animal rights activist Pamela Anderson calls for public and Hollywood protest to free Julian Assange
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Randy Credico: Welcome Pamela Anderson. It's been two years since you were last on the Free Assange Series with me and Dennis. When we talked back then, you brought in something that most people —with the exception of his mother: the real, human side of Julian Assange. People know...
Former British Parliamentarian George Galloway Speaks out on the Violent Criminalization of Julian Assange
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met him to try to bring about an end to sanctions, suffering and war.” Galloway was dubbed by his fellow MP’s as the "MP for Baghdad North."
In the following interview, Galloway stands up strongly in defense of his “personal friend”, Julian Assange. Galloway says in the following interview that he...
On Lockdown: Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange—Dennis Bernstein Interviews John Pilger (Part 1)
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In the USA of 2019, truth itself has become a radical act, and to be motivated by belief, instead of profit and corporate power, is to say the least, rare. Chelsea Elizabeth Manning is indeed one of those rare examples of a 21st century truth teller who has been...