Tag: Far Right

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump on July 13th changed the political situation in the United States and especially surrounding the 2024 election in an instant. The Biden campaign canceled events and advertisements, while the Trump campaign began preparing for the Republican National Convention happening this week...
Project 2025 bills itself as a comprehensive plan to undo decades of social progress - in its own words, to “dismantle the administrative state” and “return self-governance to the American people.” Democrats have jumped into using it and its connections to the Trump agenda and former staff as a reason to rally behind Joe Biden...
The January 6, 2021, Capitol riot was a watershed event in American political history, which raised alarm about the fragility of American democracy and the dangers of right-wing extremism. As Donald Trump gave an inflammatory speech insisting that the November 2020 election was “rigged,” legions of his supporters stormed the...
Her father Ernst Albrecht, President of the German state of Lower Saxony from 1978 to 1990, brought unrehabilitated Nazis into his administration and carried out a black-flag terrorist operation designed to discredit the left-wing Red Army Faction. In the wake of the Russo-Ukrainian war, terms like “European values” have come...
Newly elected President Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva remains in hotel accommodation in Brasília, still unable to reside in the Alvorada Palace due to material damage and security concerns. On the 21st of January, Brazilian president, Luíz Inácio Lula da Silva, sacked general Júlio César de Arruda as head of...
In September, CovertAction Magazine published an article entitled “We Need a New 'Church Committee' to Curb Massive Intelligence Agency Criminality Ranging From Illegal Surveillance to Torture and Assassination.” And low and behold, the House-led GOP has set up what they call a new Church Committee—the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization...
“I wonder how it came to pass that most of the billionaires in Ukraine are Jews?”—Dmytro Yarosh, former People’s Deputy of Ukraine Part III in series on Ukranian fascism. See Part 1 and Part 2. In the West, the 2022 war has often been portrayed as a struggle between autocracy and...
Due to incessant media propaganda, 74% of Americans support a no-fly zone that could ignite World War III Americans have been inundated by a massive propaganda campaign since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, prompting 74% of Americans to support a no-fly zone that could ignite World War...
Meet Some of America’s Newest Best Friends With barely a whisper of protest from either the media or the American people, Barack Obama and Joe Biden supported and empowered a group of far-right, Nazi-idolizing, Hitler-worshipping, anti-Semitic militias to fight against Russian-backed separatists in Eastern Ukraine. Members of these militias had participated...
Ten U.S. presidents, 20 CIA directors, and 56 years of covert action screwed over Brazil’s poor and paved the way for the election of Jair Bolsonaro Covid-19, murder, evangelical Christianity, crime, environmental destruction, drugs, shantytowns, inequality, corruption, doesn’t matter what you pick, Brazil is a world leader in them all—and...