Tag: Intervention

The United Nations voted on October 2nd to authorize a military intervention in Haiti, led by the Kenyan government. But a long history of foreign intervention and occupation in Haiti has led to disastrous results for the Haitian people, whether at the hands of the United States, France or overseen by the United Nations...
Since the summer of 2018, Haiti has been experiencing mass protests. Thousands of Haitians have taken to the streets to express their frustration and anger regarding the current social conditions on the island. The social upheavals are a cause of concern for all progressive people, especially since the unrest...
Last Week's Episode—Ukraine Crisis Fueled by U.S. and NATO Expansion The outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine did not come out of nowhere. Fundamental to understanding the current crisis is the history of U.S. and NATO expansion in Europe—which the U.S. repeatedly promised Russia would not happen. Richard Becker...
History reminds us of the evil U.S. foreign meddling and the need for a strong anti-imperialist movement I was in Athens, Greece earlier this month and I had the chance to participate for the very first time in the annual 17 November march on the U.S. Embassy. When I was working...