Vilnius NATO Summit Was a Farce Reinforcing an Imperialist Alliance that Should be Abolished
David Starr - 0
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Summit, held in Vilnius, Lithuania, on July 11 and 12, provided a showcase for an imperialist alliance that has been a major source of war for decades.
Committing to a major NATO force buildup, world leaders at the conference pledged fealty to Ukraine, which...
At the end of April of this year, the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans.
At this moment,...
United States Hypocrisy Toward the World is Another Way of Saying, ‘Don’t Do as We Do, Do as We Say’
David Starr - 2
In February 2023, United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken briefly met Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and proceeded to give him a “moral” lecture on Russia’s decision to suspend its role in a nuclear arms treaty, and on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They were in India for the...
A drunk driver runs a red light and slams into a crowd of pedestrians, gravely injuring several. If this happened in Macedonia, the headline in Western media would be: “Pedestrians Cause Car Accident, Major Damage to Vehicle.”
Imagine that every headline and news story about your ethnic group is rife with...
NATO Had Plans for a Preemptive Strike on Russia Using the Cover of a French-Led Naval Exercise in the Mediterranean
Sonja Van den Ende - 10
Revelations further underscore mendacity behind Biden administration claim that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was unprovoked
POLARIS 21 was a large-scale French naval exercise in the Mediterranean that took place from November 18 to December 3, 2021, off the island of Corsica between France and Italy.
Officially, the aim of the training...
Documents Reveal that NATO Was Rehearsing for an Amphibious Assault on Eastern Ukraine Using Ukrainian Naval Bases Acquired in Agreement with the UK
Arnaud Develay - 4
Russia felt it had to act in self-defense in special military operation to thwart U.S.-UK-NATO provocations and aggression and save people of the Donbas
From November 18 to December 3, 2021, a NATO maritime exercise was organized by the French Navy (Marine National) off the Mediterranean coast and along France’s...
Latin Americans Reject Resource Plundering by Same NATO Countries Fueling Military Conflict in Ukraine
Camila Escalante - 1
On August 6 we celebrated 197 years of independence here in Bolivia. We listened intently to the speech by President Luis Arce delivered in Sucre, the capital city in Bolivia’s Chiquisaca department. Among other issues, he spoke about the current military conflict in Ukraine and the need for peace...
On July 7, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR.org) published an article by Gregory Shupak analyzing the hypocrisy of U.S. corporate media in its reporting of Ukraine, specifically the differing treatment by Western media of the situations in Donbas compared to that of the Serbian-Albanian territory of Kosovo. The...
Former Bolivian President Evo Morales Calls For a Global Campaign to Eliminate NATO
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 13
In interview with British journalist, Morales says the U.S. uses NATO to provoke wars and sell weapons. U.S./UK-backed coup against him in 2019 was undertaken for lithium and because his government advanced an alternative economic model to the neoliberal “Washington Consensus”
In an interview with British journalist Matt Kennard at...
Russian-Hating Dream of Brzezinski Clan Nears Fulfillment as Poland Agrees to Host Permanent U.S. Base and Turn Baltic Sea into NATO Lake
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 8
Mark Brzezinski, the U.S. Ambassador to Poland, is the son of the late Zbigniew Brzezinski, a descendent of Polish aristocrats and mastermind of U.S. foreign policy for decades, whose dream was to use Poland as a base to try to weaken and destroy Russia.
Mark is now at the center...