Tag: North America
Pathology of GOP is Frighteningly Evident in its Lionization of Navy SEAL Killer Eddie Gallagher
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 7
Gallagher stabbed to death a 17-year-old Iraqi prisoner but got off scot-free after a witness lied in court. Gallagher’s crimes were a product of a Navy SEAL subculture that prizes killing...
Ass-Kicking in Afghanistan Offers Opportunity to Reorient U.S. Foreign Policy—Or Will it Just Be Another Groundhog Day?
Ed Rampell - 1
As the Afghanistan Armageddon unravels, this humiliating, devastating defeat for U.S. and its allies’ imperialism and the 20th anniversary of 9/11, plus the June 29 death of war monger extraordinaire Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, are wakeup calls. They offer those in the U.S. the chance to reflect upon, reconsider and rethink Washington’s disastrous, interventionist foreign policy.
U.S. Military Bases and Airfields are Contaminating Potomac River with “Astronomical Levels” of Toxic Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
Pat Elder - 1
Drinking Water Also Impacted—Why Has the Government Been Deliberately Looking the Other Way?
As a matter of ritual, every U.S. president invariably gets up on his lectern and extols the United States as the greatest country in the world, claiming it has a duty to export its superior governing institutions...
New Evidence Implicates CIA, LAPD, FBI and Mafia as Plotters in Elaborate “Hit” Plan to Prevent RFK From Ever Reaching White House
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 22
California parole commissioners recommended on August 27th that Sirhan Sirhan should be freed after spending more than 50 years in prison for assassinating Robert Kennedy. Strong evidence suggests that Sirhan was not the real killer and would be exonerated in any new and objective trial.
The U.S. government and state of Texas under the rubric of the War on Drugs have been involved in intimate collaboration with corrupt police and security forces involved in torture and murder.
Breitbart News, however, has touted the corrupt governor of Tamaulipas—who helped open up Mexico’s hydrocarbon resources to exploitation by foreign companies—as a hero.
Insane U.S. Plan to Spend Billions on Weaponizing Space Makes Defense Contractors Jump for Joy—But Rest of World Cowers in Horror at Prospect of New Arms Race Leading to...
Karl Grossman - 16
Imagine this scenario from the year 2045: The U.S. and China, after years of belligerence, go to war over control of the Taiwan straits; most of the battles are fought through cyber-attacks and space-based weapons systems that had been perfected over the previous decades.
In a desperate maneuver, the U.S....
CAM Back to School Special: Major Midwest University Hires Former Under-Secretary of Defense and Under-Secretary of the Army as President
Nick Alexandrov - 3
Exemplifies Growth of Military-Industrial-Academic Complex That Is Destroying U.S. Democracy
The University of Tulsa (TU) is one of Oklahoma’s premier schools. It draws students from around the world; has a billion-dollar endowment; and boasts everything from a vast collection of modernist literature to top-tier petroleum engineering and cybersecurity...
Six Principles for an Increasingly Authoritarian Age
Since the Vietnam War, the U.S. antiwar movement has experienced some high points—notably the massive protests that took place on the eve of the 2003 Iraq War—but has largely been ineffective in challenging the U.S. warfare state.
The main reason is because the U.S....
In the Tradition of U.S. Puppets, When They Finally Get Kicked Out, They Steal as Much of the Country’s Treasure as They Can
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 8
True to Form, Last Sunday the U.S. Puppet President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, Fled Kabul with Four Luxury Vehicles and a Helicopter Stuffed So Full of Cash That a Huge Pile of It Could Not Fit and Had to Be Left on the Tarmac
46 years earlier, U.S. client Nguyen...
U.S. Government Withholding Hundreds of Pages About Deadly 1967 Israeli Attack on U.S. Navy Ship
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 9
Documents would help answer historical mystery
An ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals that the U.S. government is still refusing to release at least 302 pages of documents concerning the unprovoked attack 54 years ago in the Mediterranean Sea on an American spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, during...