Tag: Spotlight

They embody a party that crossed over to the dark side years ago In March 2018, Patrick Martin of the World Socialist Web Site published a political pamphlet entitled “The CIA Democrats.” In it, he wrote that “an extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National...
“On the Anglo-Saxon side, and particularly for the US, the solution seemed straight forward: their champion Laurent-Desire Kabila, supported by both Paul Kagame and Yoweri Museveni, respectively presidents of Rwanda and Uganda, would overthrow the marshal , seize power, and never mind if Kivu, the whole east of the...
Within days of winning the election, Donald Trump is already making announcements about who will—and won’t—be in his cabinet and influencing his administration...
Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam’s premier from 1954 to 1963, was a Cold War version of Volodymyr Zelensky, an American-subsidized ruler who was fawned upon by leading U.S. politicians and the U.S. media despite causing the ruin of his own country. Lyndon B. Johnson at one point compared Diem to...
Governments in Latin America have been at the forefront of opposition to Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and several of those which have done so suddenly face new threats, even including attempted coups. Adrienne Pine, a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, said during a recent webinar hosted...
On September 19, the Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee hosted a webinar focused on the significant impact of women in the Vietnam era anti-war movement. The first speaker, Vivian Rothstein, who was drawn to anti-war activism after participating in the Mississippi Freedom Summer, spoke about her participation in a conference in...
We’re just days out from the US presidential elections. With many polls putting Trump and Harris within just a few points of each other, it’s easy to get caught up in the fear and uncertainty of the race as we continue to see horror after horror unfolding in Gaza...
Just 15 years ago, Chinese consumers were flocking to Western brands. Now they prefer Chinese ones. The fate of the Starbucks Group is telling: Sales and profits in its current 7,300 stores in China are declining. The Chinese are not drinking less coffee, but prefer Chinese brands, partly because they...
Repeating role as member of Cold War Non-Aligned Movement Cuba was accepted with 12 other countries as an associate member of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) at the 16th BRICS summit in Kazan, Russia in late October. The other new associate members, which bring the BRICS grouping to...
The Film was one of the most pro-union movies in American history In many ways, 1954’s Salt of the Earth is a singular, cinematic phenomenon, one of the most unique American movies ever made. At a time when star-driven Hollywood was cranking out widescreen biblical epics, technicolor musicals, sci-fi and...