Tag: U.S. Sanctions
The U.S. Has Imposed Sanctions on Georgia and Nicaragua for Instituting Laws that Copy U.S. Legislation and Were Designed to Ward Off Coups
John Perry - 1
Politicians in the small Caucasian nation of Georgia have been sanctioned by Washington for “undermining democracy” and depriving Georgian people of “fundamental freedoms,” simply because its parliament has passed a law to control foreign influence over Georgian politics.
Politicians in another small country, Nicaragua, were subjected to U.S. sanctions for...
Brutally politicizing humanitarian aid, Biden assists Turkey but refuses to mobilize aid and rescue workers to save thousands in northern Syria because of U.S. vendetta against Bashar al-Assad government.
At 4:17 a.m. on February 6, a 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck Turkey and northern Syria, killing more than 21,000 people in what...
Biden Administration Wants Kidnapped Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab to “Suffer Like Julian Assange,” according to UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur
Ed Rampell - 6
New documentary by Alex Smith explores travails of Saab who faces U.S. wrath because he tried to circumvent Washington’s onerous illegal sanctions levied against Venezuela
The U.S. imperialists “want Alex Saab like they want Julian Assange to suffer,” charges human rights and international law expert Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, who the...
Venezuela Seeks Investigation by International Criminal Court (ICC) as to Whether U.S. Sanctions Constitute Crimes Against Humanity
Ryan Swan - 4
Adopted as part of regime-change operation, sanctions have killed at least 40,000 Venezuelans.
Economic coercive measures, commonly known as economic sanctions, are a means of coercive pressure through disruption of trade relations and economic isolation. The use of sanctions under international law is governed chiefly by Chapter VII of the...