Tag: United States

A federal jury in New York last month convicted former CIA officer Joshua Schulte on nine felony counts under the Espionage Act for providing information to WikiLeaks that became known as Vault 7. Schulte has consistently denied that he was the source of the information. Two years ago, he was convicted...
The mobile billboards are a brainchild of standup-comic-turned-activist Randy Credico. Each one is 15 feet long and circulates around DC's most famous landmarks, skewering the hypocrisy of Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, Jerald Nadler, Nancy Pelosi and other top Democrats. D.C. residents and tourists—as many as 40,000 a day—are stopping in...
Racism is still the driving force behind U.S. political imprisonment Political imprisonment in the United States exists primarily as a tool of racist repression. It is aimed disproportionately at people of color, as well as others engaged in anti-racist struggle. Whether in the fight against racism at home or against...
Misinformation Breeds More Fear of Minority Groups Along With Misunderstanding About Disease Itself Careless messaging by global health agencies about the outbreak of monkeypox virus has created widespread public confusion, including associating the infectious disease with gay and bisexual men and with Africans. The unwarranted and needless situation is a public...
For years, Philipos Melaku-Bello has maintained a peace vigil outside the White House that advocates for the abolition of nuclear weapons and an end to forever wars Almost every day for more then a decade, Philipos Melaku-Bello has manned a peace vigil across the street from the White House that...
2023 NDAA represents swan song in Senate of a long-time stalwart of the radical right The ghosts of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan must be looking down with pride on their devoted acolyte, Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma, known as “the hawk’s hawk.” He recently succeeded in pushing through...
People of liberated territories likely to vote in favor of joining Russia in forthcoming referenda—just like Crimeans did in 2014 On my way from Severodonetsk to Lysychansk on the right bank of the Donetsk River in eastern Ukraine, I saw many destroyed buildings as well as a lot of cars,...
On Monday, the FBI raided Donald Trump’s Mar-A-Lago, Florida home, searching for documents that may have been classified and should not have left the White House. The right wing immediately jumped to condemning the raid, with far-right Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene posting “Defund the FBI,” while liberals hailed the bureau as defenders of democracy and justice. We discuss how the right is being disingenuous and the left ahistorical in their assessments of the Bureau, and what the raid means especially in the context of an expected 2024 run by Trump, and how the continuing January 6 hearings could be impacted by both the raid and Alex Jones’ lawyers sending his texts to the wrong person.
President Harry S. Truman’s decision to drop atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki set the groundwork for an era of U.S. global hegemony and enriched corporations like General Electric, DuPont, Union Carbide, Bechtel and Westinghouse which made hundreds of billions of dollars developing generation after generation of "first-strike" nuclear...
Globetrotter’s Gallivanting Galvanizes Totally Avoidable Firestorm How many Chinese fought in the Civil War? That is, the U.S. Civil War, 1861-1865? As Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi sticks her nose into the Taiwan Strait, this is an interesting and illuminating question to ponder. Second in line to...