Tag: United States

The United States is at it AGAIN!! The current social unrest in Venezuela aided and abetted by the United States is not the first time, and undoubtedly not the last time, it will interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries. On December 22, 2016, Ari Shapiro, the NPR Host...
Two college professors who studied and lived the 1960s, Peter Dreier and Maurice Isserman, recently had published an opinion piece in the Los Angeles Times urging dissidents not to protest at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The first paragraph is a stark example of uber-liberals suffering from Trump Derangement...
As Bad As Nixon Was, Things Got So Much Worse After He Left the White House Fifty years ago, on August 9, 1974, Richard M. Nixon resigned the presidency in disgrace on the threshold of impeachment as a result of the Watergate scandal. Two years earlier, five men, including a salaried...
If you are appalled by Columbia University students occupying an iconic campus building made famous by 1960s anti-war student protests, patriotic thoughts of the Boston Tea Party must terrify you. Columbia protesters broke a few windows in their continuing demonstrations against the Israeli/American genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Tea Party...
American Author Who Lived in Nepal Has Evidence Indicating That CIA and/or U.S. Special Forces Operatives Coordinated Slaughter of King and His Family and Then Covered It Up On the night of June 1, 2001, a lovesick Nepali prince, fearing that he would be disowned if he went ahead...
CIA Destabilized the Country by Supporting Invasions from Thailand by Exiled Politician Son Ngoc Thanh That Were Designed to Overthrow Neutralist Prince Norodom Sihanouk Who Allied with Communist China and Supported the Vietcong Around the time of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger’s 100th birthday, The Intercept ran a series...
The Cold War did not end for the United States with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Instead, the United States set out on a systematic 30-plus year effort to undermine, humiliate and threaten the Russian state. This has ultimately led to the tragedy of the war in Ukraine. Of...
The following three sets of international treaties for arms control, disarmament, the control of emerging technologies, and international security are absolutely essential to reverse the covert drive for war, even world war, that is taking place at every level in human society, that has accelerated over the last 20...
In a ruling on July 19, the International Court of Justice issued an advisory opinion that confirmed what Palestinians have been saying for over 7 decades: That the Israeli occupation is illegal, that the way Palestinians are treated by Israel is a form of apartheid, and that the occupation must end...
National Endowment for Democracy Recognizes Unelected Heads of State and Honors Russian Traitor Who Lobbied for Sanctions on His Own Country in Alliance with Billionaire Con Man Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), both war hawks and advocates of regime change around the world,...