Tag: United States

The United States is experiencing an acute challenge to its system of racism both in terms of police behavior and in its separate and unequal public health systems. This represents what is an ogoing challenge to the larger framework of systemic racism that has existed in the U.S. in...
In October, John Brennan, CIA Director from 2013 to 2017, will release a memoir titled Undaunted: My Fight Against America's Enemies, at Home and Abroad. Early excerpts from the book, published in The New York Times on Thursday July 30, quote Brennan expressing outrage that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell...
There is strong evidence to suggest that both Juan Guaidó and the U.S. government were intimately involved in a botched weekend insurrection. The government of Venezuela is celebrating after thwarting another foreign-backed coup attempt Sunday, just two days after another coup attempt by self-declared “Interim President” Juan Guaidó ended in...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s acclaimed radio show “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,” an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder. Part One: Alicia Castro and Martin Stolar Alicia Castro, currently Argentina’s ambassador to the Russian Federation, first met Julian Assange in London,...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s acclaimed radio show Live on the Fly. This series entitled “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom” is an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder. Who’s Who on Episode 10 of Live on the Fly Jesselyn Radack heads the...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s acclaimed radio show “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,” an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder.
Listen to the eighth installment of political satirist and civil rights activist Randy Credico’s show “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,” an ongoing series in support of imprisoned WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. This episode features special co-host, Aaron Maté, journalist and host of The Grayzone’s media show, Pushback. This podcast is...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s acclaimed radio show “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,” an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder, featuring regular updates from the Courage Foundation’s Nathan Fuller. In this 6th installment, Randy speaks with Assange's legal advisor Renata Avila,...
Listen to the latest episode of Randy Credico’s radio show “Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,” an ongoing exploration of the prosecution and persecution of the imprisoned WikiLeaks founder, hosted by CovertAction Magazine and featuring regular updates from the Courage Foundation’s Nathan Fuller. In this episode, Credico speaks with legendary civil...
In this extraordinary fifth installment of "Live on the Fly - Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom," Randy Credico speaks with Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on torture and professor at Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights; Lauri Love, who successfully avoided extradition to the U.S.; and...