Tag: War in Ukraine

Terry Wolff oversaw training of Iraqi forces for deadly siege of Mosul and coalition fighting dirty war in Syria President Joe Biden’s new appointee as arms czar for Ukraine, Terry Wolff, has a lot of blood on his hands. The three-star general’s new job is to coordinate arms shipments to Ukraine...
Techniques of Torture and Assassination Deployed by the SBU (Ukraine’s CIA) Recall the U.S.’s Brutal “Operation Phoenix” in Vietnam Vasily Prozorov, a former officer with the Security Services of Ukraine (SBU) stated soon after his defection to Russia in 2018 that the SBU had been advised by the CIA...
Says Ukrainian Army Has Committed War Crimes and That “We’re the Bad Guys in Mariupol” Aiden Aislin, a captured British mercenary currently being held in Russian captivity, is filled with regrets for his participation in a deadly war. Aislin, a 28-year-old from Nottingham who first came to Ukraine in 2018 and...
Where shall I begin? Can a man endure so much suffering? Can you write about so much suffering without getting emotional? Probably not. Mariupol has been wiped out, buildings have collapsed mostly due to rocket attacks and, of course, there have been bombings as well. The Western media, of course, blame the Russians...
Since the Russian military operation to de-Nazify and de-militarize Ukraine began in late February, there is a common misperception that the Western left is “split” over the conflict in its response. Indeed, it is true there has been infighting within organizations such as the U.S.-based Democratic Socialists of America...
As never before, the connection between war and big power rivalry over oil and gas in Ukraine—and beyond—has become disturbingly tangible to average citizens, when it was once known only to world leaders, their militaries and spies, and their wealthy backers. Henry Kissinger, protégé of Nelson Rockefeller, once said,...
Turning and turning in the widening gyreThe falcon cannot hear the falconerThings fall apartThe center cannot holdMere anarchy is loosed upon the world...William Butler Yeats As I wrote four years ago in 2018 after visiting Iran, there is a battle for civilization taking place. And note how I phrased this:...
Ukrainians are now suffering under an illegal and brutal invasion by Russia. Although Russia certainly did not start the eight-year-long war in Ukraine, Putin did massively expand the war zone and is, therefore, under Nuremberg principles, primarily responsible for the deaths that follow in its wake. International aggression has major...
The U.S. media have been saturated by reports of Ukrainian suffering since the Russian invasion of February 24, 2022, and of heroic Ukrainian resistance. Even progressive media outlets and politicians have favored more arms supplies to Ukraine in this climate. When Congress passed a massive $13.6 billion aid package to...
U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters on Monday that weapons and other equipment, including anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, Humvees and Puma drones, are being sent to Ukraine and NATO allies at “an unprecedented pace.”