HSBC is the 800-pound Gorilla in the Canadian Courtroom that No One is Talking About—the Judicial Incubus Weighing on Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou’s Shoulders
Jeff J. Brown - 6
Note before starting: Hats off to CGTN for its excellent video, “The Untold Story of Meng Wanzhou.” I referred to it extensively to expand my research.
The prosecution of telecommunications giant Huawei’s CFO Meng Wanzhou on charges of violating U.S. sanctions policies with Iran has been very politicized from the...
Six Principles for an Increasingly Authoritarian Age
Since the Vietnam War, the U.S. antiwar movement has experienced some high points—notably the massive protests that took place on the eve of the 2003 Iraq War—but has largely been ineffective in challenging the U.S. warfare state.
The main reason is because the U.S....
In the Tradition of U.S. Puppets, When They Finally Get Kicked Out, They Steal as Much of the Country’s Treasure as They Can
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 8
True to Form, Last Sunday the U.S. Puppet President of Afghanistan, Ashraf Ghani, Fled Kabul with Four Luxury Vehicles and a Helicopter Stuffed So Full of Cash That a Huge Pile of It Could Not Fit and Had to Be Left on the Tarmac
46 years earlier, U.S. client Nguyen...
U.S. Government Withholding Hundreds of Pages About Deadly 1967 Israeli Attack on U.S. Navy Ship
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 9
Documents would help answer historical mystery
An ongoing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request reveals that the U.S. government is still refusing to release at least 302 pages of documents concerning the unprovoked attack 54 years ago in the Mediterranean Sea on an American spy ship, the U.S.S. Liberty, during...
Does China’s Rise Really Threaten the U.S.—Or Just Its Sociopathic Power Elite, Who Want to Keep Ruling the World Even If It Drags Us Into WW III?
Dee Knight - 14
Government-sponsored “fake news” is brainwashing the American public into accepting a new U.S./NATO-sponsored Cold War with China.
A massive blitz of Western propaganda is behind the escalating U.S. cold war against China.
President Biden and most of the U.S. Congress say China has become a serious threat that must be...
Anti-Government Protests in Cuba Provoked by U.S. Embargo Has Right-Wingers Salivating at the Prospect of Regime Change
Carlos L. Garrido - 20
U.S. Media have played up the recent anti-government protests in Cuba as a harbinger of regime change and a reason for U.S. intervention
But they deceitfully hide the fact that anti-government protestors (funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Endowment for Democracy and CIA) number only a...
By every measure, the Afghan War has been a failure for America. But it has been a $5 trillion success for American corporations like Lockheed Martin, DynCorp, General Dynamics, Black & Veatch, Halliburton and the oil companies which shipped half-a-million gallons of fuel a day...
Denmark: Bernie Sanders’ Socialist Utopia Functions as Banana Spy Kingdom for U.S. Empire
Ron Ridenour - 3
Denmark’s Social Democrat female leaders have followed their American counterparts in adopting a Russophobic discourse to justify the sell-out of their country
France and Germany’s demand last May for “full clarity” from the United States and Denmark concerning their spying upon its leaders fizzled out as Russophobia took preference during...
U.S., Canada, France, Spain, Germany and Brazil Disregard Wishes of the Haitian People and Select Ariel Henry—who sold out to the Western powers following the country’s 2004 coup—As Successor to Slain Haitian President Jovenel Moïse
It is déjà vu all over again.
On July 17th, the Core Group (U.S., Canada, France,...
Reckoning and Reparations: U.S. Government Owes Afghan Civilians for Past 20 Years of War and Brutal Impoverishment
Kathy Kelly - 0
In mid-July, 100 Afghan families from Bamiyan, a rural province of central Afghanistan mainly populated by the Hazara ethnic minority, fled to Kabul. They feared Taliban militants would attack them in Bamiyan. Over the past decade, I have gotten to know a grandmother who recalls fleeing Talib fighters in...