The late historian Antony C. Sutton is one of the most influential thinkers in the current American populist movement. The Mises Institute has repeatedly promoted his work, as has the Cato Institute, and his books are steady sellers on Amazon (an impressive feat given that most of their content...
With tensions between the U.S. and Russia at historic levels and threat of a hot war breaking out in Ukraine, we would do well to remember FDR’s visionary leadership and pursuit of diplomacy Reuters reported last week that the Ukrainian military was carrying out war games with newly delivered...
With a new Cold War heating up between the U.S. and Russia and China, Witness for Peace Southwest, Addicted to War and CodePink organized a Truth Commission on the original Cold War on March 21st, which brought together the testimony of historians, activists and others who lived through the...
When Oliver Stone’s blockbuster film JFK premiered in 1991, it delivered a hugely embarrassing shock to academic historians, Democratic Party grandees, corporate media pundits and other respected purveyors of conventional wisdom. That’s because, for the preceding 27 years following Kennedy’s assassination, all of them had been faithfully, if falsely, promulgating the myth...
Dennis Bernstein: We are honored to have Daniel Ellsberg here, the man who blew the whistle on the corrupt and illegal Vietnam War and has been blowing whistles and inspiring others ever since. Daniel Ellsberg gained notoriety in the early 1970s by leaking the Pentagon Papers, the Defense Department's top-secret history...
William H. Blum 1933 - 2018 William Blum died in Virginia early this morning on December 9, 2018. He was surrounded by friends and family after falling in his Washtington D.C. apartment and sustaining serious wounds 65 days ago. He was 85 years old. Bill was born March 6, 1933 at Beth Moses...
"I don't think there's ever been a vice presi­dent... as much involved at the highest level in our policy-making and our decisions than George," said President Reagan in March 1985.1 At the 1988 Republican national convention, in response to the Demo­crats' taunt, "Where was George," during Iran-Contra, Reagan said,...