The U.S. Congress is currently working on yet another anti-Russian bill called “Senate Bill S. 1102: Eastern Mediterranean Security and Energy Partnership Act of 2019.’’ Russia is not far away from the Eastern Mediterranean—but the United States is. Nevertheless, Washington’s zealous eye perceives Russian “malign” influence there and intends to radically...
Is Russian Opposition Leader Alexey Navalny a Key Prop in a Psychological Warfare Operation Designed to Bring Down Vladimir Putin?
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 10
On March 2nd, the Biden administration imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia to punish it for what it described as Moscow’s attempt to poison opposition leader Alexey Navalny with nerve agent last year.
Navalny was arrested in January on his return from Germany following treatment for poisoning with...
Imagined Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe: The Concept of Intermarium
Marlene Laruelle and Ellen Rivera - 3
Like the proverbial cat, some concepts have several lives. Or, like the mythological phoenix, they can be reborn from the ashes. This is certainly the case of the Intermarium, a geopolitical concept that envisaged an alliance of countries reaching from the Baltic Sea over the Black Sea to the...
Arnaud DEVELAY caught up with elected Member of the Russian State Duma and Ranking Member of the Duma’s Commission for International Affairs, Maria BUTINA.
Q: Let us start with what has been a crackdown on free speech around the world with the raid on Scott Ritter’s house, the arrest...
Intellectuals Featured in U.S. Media Present 1990s as Heyday of Russian Democracy: In Reality, Chaos and Desperation Reigned Before Vladimir Putin Became President
Natylie Baldwin - 5
Below is an interview that I conducted with Sarah Lindemann-Komarova, an American who has lived in Siberia since 1992. She was a community development activist there for 20 years. She currently focuses on research and writing, mostly about Russia and community activism. Her work has been published in The Nation...
Denunciation of Vladimir Putin’s Essay on History of Russia and Ukraine is Unwarranted
Roger Annis - 17
Far from condemning the national aspirations of Ukrainians, Putin defends them
In July 2021, Vladimir Putin published a historical essay on Russia and Ukraine on the website of the President of Russia.
The essay is a very informative read, written by someone with a deep knowledge of the subject. It is...
Collusion or Homegrown Collaboration? Connections between the German Far-Right and Russia
Marlene Laruelle and Ellen Rivera - 0
Executive Summary
The Russian-German far-right relationship encompasses three ecosystems: first, the main German far-right party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), because of its electoral success and ability to influence “high politics”; second, several echo chambers—peripheral “think tank” institutions and individuals without visibility on the broad German political landscape; and third, the...
“Vladimir the Terrible” Fits the Needs of the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex for an “Evil Foreign Enemy”—But the Real Putin Is Well-Regarded by Many Russians for Standing Up to U.S....
Danny Shaw - 12
Putin is considered a threat because he restored Russian sovereignty, erased the humiliation of the Boris Yeltsin era, and championed Russia’s national interests. But that is just what the U.S. elite could not tolerate.
The U.S. military-industrial complex needs enemies like human lungs need oxygen. When there are no enemies,...
CovertAction Bulletin – Russia Coup Attempt: What happened? What does the U.S. want?
Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - 1
The June 23 coup attempt in Russia by the Wagner Group seemed to end almost as quickly and suddenly as it started. Yevgeny Prigozhin specifically targeted the Ministry of Defense and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, and within hours Wagner forces had entered the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and entered the grounds of the command of the Southern Military District headquarters in the city...
At the end of April of this year, the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans.
At this moment,...