Ray McGovern: The Man Who Got Russiagate Right and Tried to Warn the Public—To No Avail
James Bradley and Jeremy Kuzmarov - 39
For Years, Ray McGovern, George H.W. Bush’s CIA Briefer, Tried to Warn the Public About the Russiagate Fraud but Was Shut Out of the Mainstream Media
As new evidence comes to light, will the 27-year CIA veteran ever receive the credit he deserves? Or will the media continue to...
Durham Report Indicts FBI For Role in Russiagate Scam But is Silent About the CIA
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 0
New investigation should be opened that examines pivotal role played by the Agency in scandal that was used to mobilize liberal support for regime change in Russia and war in Ukraine.
May 15 saw the release of the much-awaited Durham report, which detailed how the FBI initiated what was essentially...
Government Overreach Exposed in Split Verdict in Case of Socialist Group Accused of Being Russian Agents
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 0
On September 12, a jury came back with a split verdict, finding three members of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), known as the Uhuru 3, not guilty of acting as Russian agents, though guilty of conspiring to act as Russian foreign agents.
The verdict was welcomed by the Uhuru...
On September 12th, the federal trial of three members of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) concluded in St. Petersburg, Florida. While the more serious charges of acting as unregistered foreign agents of the Russian government were dismissed by the jury, the trio of Uhuru Movement activists were still...