Venezuela’s elections took place on July 28th. Nicolás Maudro defeated the right-wing candidate Edmundo González Urrutia by over a million votes. The imperialist machine immediately jumped into action to denounce the elections, condemning Maduro as a dictator and calling the results undemocratic...
The United States is at it AGAIN!!
The current social unrest in Venezuela aided and abetted by the United States is not the first time, and undoubtedly not the last time, it will interfere in the domestic affairs of other countries. On December 22, 2016, Ari Shapiro, the NPR Host...
CovertAction Bulletin: U.S. Targets Venezuela on Behalf of ExxonMobil
Rachel Hu and Chris Garaffa - 1
The United States government is inserting itself into a border dispute between Venezuela and Guyana on behalf of ExxonMobil. The oil-rich Essequibo region has the world’s biggest reserves per capita of crude oil and in May of this year, a “significant discovery” by ExxonMobil was announced in the area’s 6.6-million acre Staborek Block oil field...
Sanctions are a misnomer when it comes to Venezuela. Here, the U.S. isn’t “just” illegally punishing a nation-state to effect regime change by withholding necessary resources and key inputs that cause food shortages, grave illness, death and economic instability.
In Venezuela, the United States is also committing racketeer-level crimes against...
In An Attempt to Offset Rising Oil Prices, Biden Administration Makes Nice with Brutal Saudis—But Spurns Socialist Venezuela
Daniel Kovalik - 3
Right-wing lobbies and ideological zealotry continue to prevent initiation of rational policy toward Venezuela
On June 2, Saudi-led OPEC and its allies announced it will accelerate oil production in July and August, as the cartel’s key player, Saudi Arabia, agreed to U.S. pleadings that it take action to cool crude...
Biden Administration Wants Kidnapped Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab to “Suffer Like Julian Assange,” according to UN Human Rights Council Special Rapporteur
Ed Rampell - 6
New documentary by Alex Smith explores travails of Saab who faces U.S. wrath because he tried to circumvent Washington’s onerous illegal sanctions levied against Venezuela
The U.S. imperialists “want Alex Saab like they want Julian Assange to suffer,” charges human rights and international law expert Alfred-Maurice de Zayas, who the...
Venezuela Seeks Investigation by International Criminal Court (ICC) as to Whether U.S. Sanctions Constitute Crimes Against Humanity
Ryan Swan - 4
Adopted as part of regime-change operation, sanctions have killed at least 40,000 Venezuelans.
Economic coercive measures, commonly known as economic sanctions, are a means of coercive pressure through disruption of trade relations and economic isolation. The use of sanctions under international law is governed chiefly by Chapter VII of the...
While sitting in my apartment in Caracas, Venezuela, and reading the online edition of Time magazine (5/19/16), I noticed a report asserting that there was not even something as basic as aspirin to be found anywhere in Venezuela: “Basic medicines like aspirin are nowhere to be found.”
I walked out of the...
The current border impasse between Guyana and Venezuela is yet another example of United States imperialism’s design to expand and usurp countries’ natural resources around the world and reinforce its geopolitical agenda.
The hegemonic stranglehold of the United States and its multinationals are challenged by China and Russia mainly, with...
Declaration by the Republic of Cuba: Stop U.S. Imperialist Military Aggression Against Venezuela
Editors - 2
The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns the escalation of pressures and actions of the U.S. government in preparation for a military adventure under the guise of a “humanitarian intervention” in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and calls on the international community to mobilize in order to...