Group That is Widely Vilified in U.S. Media Has Large Popularity in Yemen On April 7, the U.S. Central Command issued a press release boasting about their destruction of a mobile surface-to-air missile system in the Houthi-controlled territory of Yemen. Since commencing a bombing operation on January 12, the U.S. and...
The U.S. war against Yemen is slowly but surely heating up. With more and bigger bombs the U.S. is doing the only thing it knows how to do when what it is doing is not working, something even Joe Biden has admitted. Some might think this story started on October...
During the last two months or so, the media have been deluged with fury over the Houthi—de facto rulers of Yemen—either capturing or bombing ships outside Yemeni coasts headed toward Israel. The Houthis’ actions were provoked by Israel’s ethnic cleansing in Gaza and the Israeli occupation of the southern coastal...
Joe Biden, amidst his mental confusion, must think he is John McCain reincarnated. I bet he is humming, “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb; Bomb, Bomb Iran.” You know how it is: Iranians, Yemenis, they all look alike. While the bombs are causing some damage in Yemen, Yemen has seen it before...
Media and intellectual elites continue to add spin to dignify a criminal war of aggression that has resulted in unconscionable suffering among the Yemeni people. In April 2022, a temporary truce was signed between the warring parties in Yemen, which ended in October, though fragments of it are still operational. The...
The Washington Post even gives positive spin by suggesting that the war has improved gender equality in devastated country. “An unexpected result of Yemen’s war: More men are cooking and cleaning,” The Washington Post reported in 2016 on the social and cultural impact of the war in Yemen. The seemingly...
Some Victims Are More Worthy Than Others in Our Orwellian Media Landscape The U.S. media have been dominated by images of Ukrainians suffering under the Russian invasion. New York Times columnist David Brooks wrote characteristically that Joe Biden had “masterly and humbly helped organize a global coalition” of Good and Democracy—and...
UN World Food Program says that “400,000 children may die in Yemen this year without urgent intervention" The struggle to end U.S. support for the war in Yemen has run into another obstacle. This time it’s partisanship. But it isn’t Republican opposition blocking Joe Biden’s promise to end U.S. participation in...
Grassroots mobilization has led the Biden administration to pledge to end the war in Yemen; further activism is needed to make him follow through on his promise and to pressure Saudi Arabia to end its blockade Six years ago, in the early hours of March 26, 2015, a military coalition...