Tag: United States

On September 12th, the federal trial of three members of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) concluded in St. Petersburg, Florida. While the more serious charges of acting as unregistered foreign agents of the Russian government were dismissed by the jury, the trio of Uhuru Movement activists were still...
Documentary made by Cinema Libre Studio founder Philippe Diaz punctures Western narrative and shows weakness and corruption of UN The disastrous record of Western military interventions over the last half-century has left pundits grasping at straws to find something positive to point to. Some have come up with Sierra Leone, arguing...
The ex-wife of CIA agent Cord Meyer, Jr., Mary Pinchot Meyer, was trying to convert JFK to pacifism and was known to make wisecracks at dinner parties about what the CIA was doing in the world. Tragically, she was murdered 60 years ago while taking an afternoon jog by...
Documents accessible at Library of Congress confirm purchase In November 1963, the month of JFK’s assassination, two of Lyndon B. Johnson’s closest friends, David H. Byrd and James Ling, bought 132,000 shares of Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV) stock at approximately $16 per share through the Alpha Omega Corporation investment vehicle. Byrd already owned...
Donald Trump has selected Mike Huckabee, Governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007 and a right-wing evangelical preacher with a messianic view about Israel, as U.S. ambassador to Israel. Huckabee has voiced strong support for Israel’s war on Gaza even though it has engaged in egregious war crimes, and acts...
Shortly after we recorded our last episode and mentioned the bill, the House of Representatives tried and failed to vote on HR 9495, the “Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act” bill. House Republicans tried to suspend the rules and push a vote through, and got 52 Democrats to vote with them, but weren’t able to get the two-thirds majority they needed under House procedural rules...
A few weeks before the creation of the State of Israel, Shepard Rifkin, executive director of the Stern Group, requested that representatives of the group meet with Albert Einstein in the United States, “the greatest Jewish figure of the time” according to I.F. Stone. Einstein’s response was unequivocal: “When a...
He is part of a group of extreme right-wing hawks devoid of ethics set to run Trump’s foreign policy team President-elect Donald Trump named Florida Senator Marco Rubio as his nominee for Secretary of State, an abhorrent choice that shows Trump’s claim to be a peace candidate to be...
They embody a party that crossed over to the dark side years ago In March 2018, Patrick Martin of the World Socialist Web Site published a political pamphlet entitled “The CIA Democrats.” In it, he wrote that “an extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the CIA, Pentagon, National...
Within days of winning the election, Donald Trump is already making announcements about who will—and won’t—be in his cabinet and influencing his administration...