Tag: War

On February 21, 2010, 25 Afghan civilians, including four women and a child, were killed when Boeing helicopters fired Hellfire missiles made by Lockheed Martin on a convoy of SUVs traveling in the Uruzgan province in the center of Afghanistan on their way to Kabul. The helicopter pilots received intelligence...
Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Russia, China, and Now Iran A few days after the October 7 attacks in northern Israel, The Atlantic Council ran an inflammatory article on its website by Jonathan Panikoff, a former deputy national intelligence officer, entitled “It doesn’t matter whether Iran planned the Hamas attack—Tehran...
While socioeconomic conditions worsen and desperation mounts, caravans heading northbound to the Mexico-U.S. border keep flowing. Holguín, CUBA — “I’m sure you guys heard this all the time and it’s probably...cheesy and cliché but the American dream dies hard,” said The New York Times Andes bureau chief, Julie Turkewitz. “Even...
Everything Is Either Good or Evil! When Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s president, invaded Iran on September 22, 1980, he was a “good” dictator. His invasion of the neighboring country was not only approved by the United States and its Western satellites, but also universally supported by them. Unlike secular Iraq, Iran...
Last Week's Episode—Ukraine Crisis Fueled by U.S. and NATO Expansion The outbreak of war between Russia and Ukraine did not come out of nowhere. Fundamental to understanding the current crisis is the history of U.S. and NATO expansion in Europe—which the U.S. repeatedly promised Russia would not happen. Richard Becker...
Western Media did not report that the population in Eastern Ukraine had been begging Vladimir Putin to send Russian troops to save them from American-backed invaders and Neo-Nazi militias Russian forces launched “special military operations” in Ukraine on Thursday morning, including cruise and ballistic missile attacks targeting infrastructure near major...
Lacking the backbone to stand up to Dick Cheney when it counted, Powell betrayed the world and participated in the deaths of hundreds of thousands Colin Powell is dead. The 84-year-old former Secretary of State, former National Security Advisor, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff succumbed to...
By failing to educate students about the many genocides the U.S. government has supported, they promote a dangerous nationalistic ideology. In the age of the pandemic, as many high school classes are being taught remotely, the value of personal interaction for students cannot be overstated. While traditional high school history...
Washington has long helped fuel the devastating conflict in Colombia that goes back to the era of La Violencia in World War II Colombia has been living with one of the longest armed conflicts in the world. A peace agreement to end the more than 50-year-old armed civil war was...
Grassroots mobilization has led the Biden administration to pledge to end the war in Yemen; further activism is needed to make him follow through on his promise and to pressure Saudi Arabia to end its blockade Six years ago, in the early hours of March 26, 2015, a military coalition...