"I don't think there's ever been a vice presi­dent... as much involved at the highest level in our policy-making and our decisions than George," said President Reagan in March 1985.1 At the 1988 Republican national convention, in response to the Demo­crats' taunt, "Where was George," during Iran-Contra, Reagan said,...
In August 2022, Ukrainian security service (SBU) operatives hid explosives in a crate intended for a cat in a car driven by a woman and her twelve year old daughter. After the car passed through the Russian border, the SBU planted the bomb in the SUV of Russian journalist...
Most people tend to believe that the CIA is just an intelligence service, gathering information to enable better public policy. However, CAM readers know that its real purpose is to engage in political skullduggery and subvert or destabilize other countries in order to help facilitate the goal of U.S. global...
For over seven weeks, events in Nicaragua have devolved into an increasingly common scenario for leaders who find themselves at odds with Washington: the country’s president, Daniel Ortega, stands accused of “killing his own people” after authorities have used “lethal force” in quelling recent protests. The unrest, which has resulted in...
Evidence Suggests that the CIA Murdered One of Its Staunchest Critics in the mid-1970s and then Covered It Up by Blaming Jim Jones’s Peoples Temple Cult . I.  Intel Turned On Its Head I am Laurie Efrein Kahalas, survivor of the Peoples Temple. I never lived in Jonestown, but I held a key...
The name Allard Lowenstein (1929-1980) may not mean too much to political activists today, but in the 1960s and 1970s he was a well-known liberal figure associated with many of the progressive causes of the day. For this reason, it would come as something of a shock to many of...
Sociopaths like Ric Prado rise to leadership positions in rogue agency that acts with utter disregard for the law If you’ve watched Fox News or CNN or if you’ve read the Washington Post or New York Times over the past two weeks, you will have been told that Enrique “Ric”...
Over the past half-century, I have been engaged in research, lectured and worked with social movements and leftist governments in Latin America.  I interviewed US officials and think tanks in Washington and New York.  I have written scores of books, hundreds of professional articles and presented numerous papers at...
After Rodriguez ordered Che be shot, his hands were chopped off and shipped to Langley, but not before he stole the Rolex from Che’s corpse that was meant for the son of one of his compatriots in Bolivia On September 16, 2021, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis awarded the Governor’s Medal...
The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns the escalation of pressures and actions of the U.S. government in preparation for a military adventure under the guise of a “humanitarian intervention” in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and calls on the international community to mobilize in order to...