What the U.S. Government and The New York Times Have Quietly Agreed Not to Tell You About Ukraine
Evan Reif - 7
“I wonder how it came to pass that most of the billionaires in Ukraine are Jews?”—Dmytro Yarosh, former People’s Deputy of Ukraine
Part III in series on Ukranian fascism. See Part 1 and Part 2.
In the West, the 2022 war has often been portrayed as a struggle between autocracy and...
To Defeat Fascism, We Must Win Over a Substantial Segment of the Social Strata that Make Up its Mass Base
Ken Lawrence - 6
Anti-fascists should emulate the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and its organizing efforts in the 1960s and 1970s.
We must realize that fascism is a movement of the disappointed and of those whose existence is ruined. Therefore, we must endeavor either to win over or to neutralize those wide masses...
How Monsters Who Beat Jews To Death in 1944 Became America’s Favorite “Freedom Fighters” in 1945—with a Little Help from their Friends at CIA
Evan Reif - 37
Part II of a 3 Part series on Fascism and the CIA in Ukraine
“Terror will be not only a means of self-defense, but also a form of agitation, which will affect friend and foe alike, regardless of whether they desire it or not.” —UVO (fascist Ukrainian Military Organization)...
How Pre-WW II Ukrainian Fascists Pioneered Brutal Terror Techniques; Later Improved By CIA, Now Ironically Taught to Descendants
Evan Reif - 26
“Terror will be not only a means of self-defense, but also a form of agitation, which will affect friend and foe alike, regardless of whether they desire it or not.”
- UVO (fascist Ukrainian Military Organization), brochure from 1929.
Part I of a 3 Part Series on Ukrainian Fascism and the...