William H. Blum
1933 - 2018
William Blum died in Virginia early this morning on December 9, 2018. He was surrounded by friends and family after falling in his Washtington D.C. apartment and sustaining serious wounds 65 days ago. He was 85 years old.
Bill was born March 6, 1933 at Beth Moses...
Imagined Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe: The Concept of Intermarium
Marlene Laruelle and Ellen Rivera - 3
Like the proverbial cat, some concepts have several lives. Or, like the mythological phoenix, they can be reborn from the ashes. This is certainly the case of the Intermarium, a geopolitical concept that envisaged an alliance of countries reaching from the Baltic Sea over the Black Sea to the...
MI6’s “Man of Mystery” is “Smoking Gun:” Britain’s Complicity in 1953 Iranian Coup Revealed
Jeremy Kuzmarov - 5
Must-See New Documentary Exposes Britain's Complicity in the 1953 Bloody Coup in Iran--A Collusion which the UK Continues to Officially Deny After 67 Years
After 60 years of foot-dragging and dissembling, the U.S. government finally confessed and admitted its role in the bloody 1953 coup that overthrew Iran’s democratically elected government...
On March 17, William H. Blum, the feisty investigative journalist who (literally) wrote the book on CIA crimes and coverups – and who passed away on December 9 at age 85 – was remembered and celebrated at a public memorial in Washington, D.C. The event, which took place at...
Inside the Organized Crime Syndicate Known as the CIA: an Interview with Douglas Valentine
Michael Steven Smith and Heidi Boghosian - 13
Heidi Boghosian: In 1947, Congress passed the National Security Act, which led to the formation of the National Security Council and, under its direction, the CIA. Its original mandate was to collect and analyze strategic information for use in war. Though shrouded in secrecy, many CIA activities such as...