While sitting in my apartment in Caracas, Venezuela, and reading the online edition of Time magazine (5/19/16), I noticed a report asserting that there was not even something as basic as aspirin to be found anywhere in Venezuela: “Basic medicines like aspirin are nowhere to be found.” I walked out of the...
The Revolutionary Government of the Republic of Cuba condemns the escalation of pressures and actions of the U.S. government in preparation for a military adventure under the guise of a “humanitarian intervention” in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and calls on the international community to mobilize in order to...
Governments in Latin America have been at the forefront of opposition to Israel’s genocide in Gaza, and several of those which have done so suddenly face new threats, even including attempted coups. Adrienne Pine, a professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies, said during a recent webinar hosted...
Plan follows precedent of 1970s state-sponsored assassination campaign targeting leftists. Operation Condor was a U.S.-directed secret intelligence program in the 1970s and early ’80s in six South American U.S.-backed dictatorships—Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Uruguay and Paraguay—that resulted in the torture and “disappearance” of thousands of people. The victims included dissidents and...
"I don't think there's ever been a vice presi­dent... as much involved at the highest level in our policy-making and our decisions than George," said President Reagan in March 1985.1 At the 1988 Republican national convention, in response to the Demo­crats' taunt, "Where was George," during Iran-Contra, Reagan said,...
Over the past half-century, I have been engaged in research, lectured and worked with social movements and leftist governments in Latin America.  I interviewed US officials and think tanks in Washington and New York.  I have written scores of books, hundreds of professional articles and presented numerous papers at...
The stakes are both high, and the danger of violence or voter fraud stark, as Bolivians go to the polls this Sunday, October 18, to elect their next president. Bolivia has experienced pronounced social unrest and economic retrogression since the November 2019 coup d’état which brought down Socialist President Evo...
On August 6 we celebrated 197 years of independence here in Bolivia. We listened intently to the speech by President Luis Arce delivered in Sucre, the capital city in Bolivia’s Chiquisaca department. Among other issues, he spoke about the current military conflict in Ukraine and the need for peace...
We, allied anti-imperialist organizations and individuals across the world, condemn the rightwing coup against indigenous president Evo Morales that forced him and other members of the Bolivian government to resign. This coup is being undertaken to inflict the worst kind of violence upon class-conscious, indigenous revolutionaries who, under...
For over seven weeks, events in Nicaragua have devolved into an increasingly common scenario for leaders who find themselves at odds with Washington: the country’s president, Daniel Ortega, stands accused of “killing his own people” after authorities have used “lethal force” in quelling recent protests. The unrest, which has resulted in...