Tag: United States

For eight years, Ukraine terrorized the people of Eastern Ukraine with U.S. weapons but this was never reported on. Here is a timeline of events: October 2002 – “Full Spectrum Dominance” declared by the Pentagon to rule the world.January 2014 – U.S. military trainers arrive in Ukraine. February 2014 –...
U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan told reporters on Monday that weapons and other equipment, including anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, Humvees and Puma drones, are being sent to Ukraine and NATO allies at “an unprecedented pace.”
Evidence suggests that the La Belle Discotheque bombing that killed two U.S. servicemen in West Berlin 37 years ago was a black-flag operation set up by the CIA and provided a pretext for the first U.S. attempt to assassinate Muammar Qaddafi On April 5, 1986, three people were killed and...
Powerful new evidence of a government-abetted conspiracy has prompted King family members to demand a reopening of the investigation into his murder. Everyone knows that James Earl Ray shot Martin Luther King, Jr., right? The U.S. government says so. All the school textbooks say so. And it is enshrined...
Joe Biden “sparked a global uproar” on March 26, declaring Russian President Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.” He also said “this battle will not be won in days or months, either. We need to steel ourselves for the long fight ahead.” This was public confirmation that the U.S. goal...
The word “security” conjures a couple of distinctly different and conflicting images. One is of human beings living in safe, viable, and sustainable communities, where individuals can freely develop their full potential, not hindered by threat and assault and exclusion from the daily necessities of life. This notion of security...
Women Have Made Particularly Significant Gains Under the Second Sandinista Government Since 2006 Women, particularly those in the Third World, often find themselves with limited ability to participate in community organizations and political life because of the poverty and their traditional sex role imposes on them. On them falls sole responsibility...
First the CIA tried to block the public from being exposed to its dirty deeds—but now the strategy has shifted to trying to normalize them. By depicting ugly, degrading, murderous and unspeakable acts as routine, they become accepted as “the way things are done.” Almost since the very inception of the...
For decades, the Pentagon and CIA have rewritten scripts and censored Hollywood films—with dire consequences for humanity. In 2012, Argo won the Academy Award for Best Picture. The film starred Ben Affleck as a CIA agent named Tony Mendez who poses as a Hollywood producer scouting locations in Iran. He helps...
Russia had drawn a line in the sand and, once violated, defied Washington by acting to defend its interests. A lot of countries support Russia, and Washington is powerless to stop it. If you are like me, you have been glued to the news about the Russian military operation...