In October 2023, Ukraine will hold elections for the Verkhovna Rada, the unicameral parliament of Ukraine. In the previous elections Vladimir Zelensky’s party “Servant of the People” received 43.16% of the vote. Since then the popularity of the party and Zelensky himself has been gradually declining, but in 2022 it rose again.

However, the U.S. has already begun active preparations for these elections. In particular, the U.S. has allocated[1] more than 1 million dollars to the NGO Civil Network Opora through the United States Agency of International Development (USAID).

USAID was established in 1961 on the initiative of John F. Kennedy. The official purpose of the agency is “to support the development of democracy, economy and health, as well as conflict prevention in more than one hundred countries around the world.” Headquartered in Washington, D.C., USAID’s administrator and his/her deputy are appointed by the President with the consent of the Senate and act in coordination with the U.S. Secretary of State.

Historically, USAID has served as a cover for CIA covert operations. The Kennedy administration, for example, at the behest of the Special Group on Counterinsurgency, established the Office of Public Safety (OPS) within USAID to train foreign police forces to counter left-wing subversion in developing countries while keeping them in the “free world” orbit during the Cold War.
The head of the OPS, Byron Engle, was a CIA officer who had worked to stamp out the political left in Japan as part of a police training mission under General Douglas MacArthur during the U.S. occupation of Japan after World War II. Many other OPS officers had experience working with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and CIA.[2]

Very often today, USAID does not support local nongovernmental organizations, parties, or universities directly, but provides grants to various U.S. and European philanthropic foundations, as well as local government structures. These organizations in turn distribute funds to their final recipients in various countries. Among the largest U.S. charitable foundations involved in this process include:
- The People-to-People Reconciliation Fund (P2P)
- The Complex Crises Fund (CCF)
- The Open Society Foundations (OSF)
- The Eurasia Foundation
- The Ford Foundation
- The Rockefeller Foundation
- Rockefeller Bros. Fund (Building Civil Society)
- Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (Building Civil Society)
- House Freedom Fund
- The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation
- National Endowment for the Arts, International Activities Office
- International Republican Institute (IRI)
- National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
- National Democratic Institute (NDI)
The U.S. has unclassified the curious document No.1451843, dated March 27, 1973. “Joint CIA and USAID Training Course No. 7. Terrorism Investigations (Technical Aspects).” The document is publicly available on the USAID website[3].

As we can see, a USAID employee, like a CIA employee on a special assignment abroad, had to know how to handle improvised explosive devices, booby-traps. Thus, the connection between the CIA intelligence services and the U.S. State Department’s USAID unit—as had been the case during the Cold War.
NGO Civil Network Opora specializes[4] in monitoring and advocacy in the areas of elections, parliamentarianism, education, and local government.

“Civic network “OPORA” is one of the non-governmental and non-partisan all-Ukrainian organizations of public control and advocacy in the field of elections, parliamentarianism, education, management of common property, energy efficiency, local self-government… We strive for sustainable development of society, irreversible changes, which can be achieved through qualitative institutional reforms…”
In addition, the organization is involved in spreading “democratic” culture, influencing the activities of the Verkhovna Rada through lobbying its legislative initiatives, and encouraging citizens to participate in elections.
“We are working to improve the electoral legislation in accordance with international standards…”

“Since 2013, we have been systematically monitoring the activities of parliament and political parties, preparing recommendations to improve the quality of work of people’s deputies and parliamentary committees… We conduct educational campaigns to raise the level of political culture of voters…”

“Activate citizens to participate in democratic processes. Promote a sustained democratic culture. Participate in policy development.”
After the start of the special operation in Ukraine, this organization supported the Kyiv regime’s ban on the activities of opposition parties, such as the “Shariya Party,” “Opposition Platform—For Life,” “Party “Ours,” and others.

In March 2022, President Zelensky announced that during martial law, imposed due to Russian special operations, the National Security Council (NSDC) of the republic would suspend the activities of 11 political parties, because they have ties with Russia.
This list includes the “Shariya Party,” which was created in 2015. The founder and members of the party denounced manifestations of Nazism in Ukraine. They staged protests against the persecution of journalists and social activists by right-wing Ukrainian forces.
In May 2022, the party founder and leader Anatoly Shariy was detained in Spain at the request of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) because two criminal cases were opened against him in Ukraine—on treason and on incitement of national, racial or religious hatred and enmity.

“Opposition Platform—For Life” opposed (1) forced restrictions on the right to use Russian and languages of national communities in the media, public and cultural life, as well as (2) the refusal of the authorities to support the UN General Assembly resolution condemning Nazism.

On June 20, 2022, a court decision prohibited the activities of the party in Ukraine. One of the leaders of the party Viktor Medvedchuk stated that he supported the federalization of Ukraine, friendly relations with the Russian Federation and other CIS countries, and China. Medvechuk also expressed concern that since Viktor Yushchenko’s team came to power, Ukraine had become more subordinate to the U.S., which is evolving into a major problem.
On April 12, 2022, Medvechuk was detained by the SBU, and then in September handed over to the Russian side as part of the exchange of prisoners of war.

On March 19, 2022, the National Security and Defense Council suspended the activities of the Nashi political party during martial law. Party leader Yevgeny Muraev advocated an end to hostilities in Donbass, that Ukraine should adopt neutral status, and respect for the memory of the Great Patriotic War. The SBU accused Muraev of high treason for these views and of somehow harming Ukraine’s “information security.”

“The civil network OPORA draws attention to the fact that the legislation does not clearly regulate the procedure for suspending the activities of political parties. However, under the legal regime of martial law the SNBO [National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine] or other authorized body of public administration has legal grounds to temporarily limit the activities of political parties or to update the issue of their prohibition… It is important to understand that under the legal regime of martial law all political parties are forced to restrict the implementation of some of their functions and legitimate interests (for example, holding mass or other public events).”
At the moment, Opora continues its anti-Russian activities in Ukraine: it replicates fake news about Russia’s “collapse,” and identifies countries and deputies in Europe who have opposed recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.
“The hen takes it one day at a time, and Russia is finished.”

“Who did not support recognizing Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism.”

The U.S. is supporting the Ukrainian government’s banning of political opposition parties considered to be pro-Russian as it prepares in advance for the upcoming elections.
The main task of the U.S. in these elections is to block certain factions of the oligarchy and people from parties deemed to be pro-Russian from coming to power, and to strengthen the position of transnational corporations. Quietly, during the war, Zelensky and his party have supported regressive new labor legislation and openly courted turning over Ukraine’s economy to foreign corporate interests. Recently, Zelensky even boasted before a meeting of the National Association of State Chambers of Commerce in Florida, that “We have already managed to attract attention and have cooperation with such giants of the international financial and investment world as BlackRock, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs.”
In the Office of the President of Ukraine, one of the methods of maintaining control over the parliament and meeting U.S. demands is the use of electronic voting through the “DYA” (Action) application, which is characterized by serious vulnerability and possibilities for rigging the results, which will allow the Zelensky regime to control the outcome of the electoral process.
Currently, Ukrainian sources report that the Office of the President will go to the parliamentary elections for the Verkhovna Rada by three main political forces: “Servant of the People,” “Prytula’s Party” and “European Solidarity.”
The very fact that the U.S. is preparing for the parliamentary elections in Ukraine is evident. A number of politicians, economists, media outlets and investigative journalists point out that the U.S. is deriving significant financial benefits from the conflict in Ukraine and that the U.S. military-industrial complex is receiving super profits. So no wonder they are trying to further manipulate Ukrainian politics—and to perpetuate a war that has cost the lives of tens of thousands of people already.

https://www.usaspending.gov/recipient/6621d239-6da5-ad8e-61d4-46c703d8553e-C/latest ↑
See Jeremy Kuzmarov, Modernizing Repression: Police Training and Nation Building in the American Century (Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2012). ↑
https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAC304.pdf ↑
https://oporaua.org/about#Section1 ↑
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About the Author

Valeriy Krylko is a freelance journalist, and translator of news articles in online media (English-Russian).
These articles are published in European and Russian-language media.
He is closely affiliated with independent outlets covering the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, and can be reached at: vkrylko098@gmail.com
Although the government web site shows total awarded amount of $ 100,000 for GROMADIANSKA MEREZHA OPORA, when I click on the link to show details of the awards granted, it shows the so far the organization has has only received grants totalling 11,327.17.
There have been two award periods. For the award period August 22,2012 to August 21,2022 the organization has received grants totalling 10,327.17. For the award period November 1,2022 to January 31, 2026 the organization has received a grant of $ 1,000. For more details please refer to link below.
Near the top of this article there is a reference to a total awarded amount of one million dollars and there is a link : (usaspending.gov) When I clicked on this link I was brought to a government web site that that showed details of total awarded amount of one hundred thousand dollars. Why does the link not lead to amount of one million dollars?
Thank you for your feedback! Apparently after the publication of the article some facts have changed dramatically. But the fact of allocation of financial resources is fixed and for what purposes these financial resources will be spent, it is also clear to all of us.
Thank you very much for your feedback, In your article you say that the recipient of the award is a child of GROMADIANSKA MEREZHA OPORA,GO. As shown below GROMADIANSKA MEREZHA OPORA,GO is a non-profit organization. How can this organization have a child.
System for Award Management (SAM) Registered Entities
Gromadianska Merezha Opora,Go
Gromadianska Merezha Opora,Go
Bud. 34a, Kyiv, 01021, UKR
GROMADIANSKA MEREZHA OPORA,GO is an entity in Kyiv, registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) of U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The entity was registered on August 5, 2013 with Unique Entity ID (UEI) #KDRKGKFGP585, activated on May 7, 2022, expiring on May 6, 2023, and the business was started on September 29, 2006. The registered business location is at Bud. 34a, Kyiv, 01021, UKR. The current status is Active. The entity structure is ZZ – Other. The business types are A8 – Non-Profit Organization. The officers of the entity include Olha Aivazovska (HEAD OF BOARD).
The parliamentary elections are in October 2023, and the Presidential elections will be in March 2024. There are two types of elections in Ukraine.
Thank you for your feedback!
Right: one is war the other is murder. The US owns Ukraine what good does speaking of elections do?
Only in Hungary in Europe were voters given the chance to voice their opinions on the sanctions against Russia (which the overwhelming majority rejected). Orban, the prime minister of Hungary, openly criticized the idea of escalating the conflict and stated that those who support Ukraine have “drifted” into it.
Is it surprising, then, that Samantha Power, the head of USAID and a Washington hawk, has just arrived in Budapest and tweeted: “Great to be here in Budapest with @USAmbHungary where @USAID just relaunched new, locally-driven initiatives to help independent media thrive and reach new audiences, take on corruption and increase civic engagement.” ?
NGOs and US government officials are now intensifying their activities in Hungary. Such actions are typically precursors to a color revolution. Washington wants to get rid of Orban’s government as it refused to submit to the US Empire. The 2014 Maidan coup sends its regards.
Samantha Power’s tweet: https://twitter.com/PowerUSAID/status/1623788521369501696
Thank you for your feedback!
You are right. Powers will overthrow anything she is told.
Orban is a fascist.
But a color revolution is right up the Soros/US alliance.
[…] University of Massachusetts Press, 2012). ↑https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAC304.pdf ↑https://oporaua.org/about#Section1 ↑Valeriy Krylko is a freelance journalist, and translator […]
Thank you for your feedback!
All very true. Personally, I don’t need any ‘new’ evidence. Since my teens in South America, nearly 7 decades ago, I’ve been aware of CIA interference in foreign politics. Elections, revolutions, guerrillas warfare, terrorist acts, political and journalistic assassinations, etc. All agents protected by the US Embassy in the country they’ve been assigned
Thank you for your feedback!