Mufti of Ukraine Ahmed Tamim. [Source:]

Muslims Are Linked to Islamic Terrorism

U.S. political officials continuously justify spending billions of taxpayer dollars on arms shipments to Ukraine by claiming they are supporting a struggle of democracy versus autocracy.

The Zelensky government in Ukraine, however, has banned 12 opposition parties and assassinated political rivals.

Newly disclosed documents reveal that Zelensky’s government also persecutes Muslim religious figures and people who have criticized the inhumane acts directed against Palestinians by the Israeli government.

Ukrainian Mufti in the Crosshairs

Ukrainian Mufti Ahmed Tamim, who is the head of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (DUMA), the largest Islamic religious organization in the country, contrary to Kyiv’s accusations, acts as a cleric fighting extremist movements.

But the Ukrainian Mufti’s open support for Palestine, which helped secure the release of more than 70 Ukrainian prisoners in Donbass, has recently made him a threat to the Kyiv regime.

Mufti Ahmed Tamim, as an internationally recognized religious authority, is a regular speaker at important conferences and forums of international importance. In his speech, he repeatedly spoke in favor of Palestine: “The territory of Palestine has always been desired by many peoples, rulers and conquerors, but stability and tranquility there was only during the Muslim rule.”[1]

Speech by Mufti of Ukraine Ahmed Tamim. [Source:]

Ahmed Tamim, has now become the target of internal correspondence because of the “threat” he poses by supporting the residents of Gaza. Mufti Tamim is a native of Lebanon who came to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1976 to receive his education. In 1982, after graduating from the Department of Computer Science at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, the future Mufti of Ukraine then returned to his hometown to study religion at the Faculty of Theology at the Arab University of Beirut.

Spreading Islam and Combating Extremism

Sheikh Tamim was elected imam of the Kyiv Muslim community in 1991. A year later he united the country’s Muslim communities and spearheaded the fight against extremist elements to prevent Ukraine from becoming a springboard for the terrorist organization “Islamic State.”

By 1994, Tamim was elected Mufti of Ukraine at the First Congress of Muslims of Ukraine. He still holds this high position.

But Kyiv has targeted not only Sheikh Tamim, but also other Muslim institutions such as the DUMA and the Islamic University in Kyiv. In fact, many Islamic organizations led by the Mufti of Ukraine seem to feel persecuted by the current Kyiv regime.

Exposing the Ukrainian Secret Service

The Ukrainian Embassy in Washington wrote to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), reporting “misconduct” committed by Mufti Ahmed Tamim at meetings he attended in some American cities.

The reports occurred in the days when the fighting in Gaza was at its peak, when hundreds of Gaza civilians were being killed daily.

Moreover, not only the Mufti of Ukraine, but also other Ukrainians who attended some meetings, according to Ambassador Oksana Markarova, “deserve special attention.” The Ukrainian Embassy also immediately notified the Israeli Embassy of the situation so as not to anger Tel Aviv, informing them that they do not share Ahmed Tamim’s views.

The accusations attributed to Tamim demonstrate the Kyiv regime’s intolerance for dissenting views regarding Palestine.

The Mufti of Ukraine openly criticized Israeli brutality toward the Palestinians, called on believers to unite, and suggested organizing a campaign to help relatives of people who have been persecuted.

Below is the first document signed by Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States Oksana Markarova and sent to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU):

In accordance with the SSU circular No. 650/6161-110 dated 28.10.2023 (“On some measures to be taken against Islamic fundamentalism in the context of escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli crisis”), we inform you about the visit of the Chairman of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine (DUMU) A. Tamim in November 2023.

We would like to inform you that during meetings with representatives of Muslim communities in the cities of Dayton, Philadelphia, Houston and Anaheim, the Chairman of DUMA made unwarranted criticism of the measures taken by the State of Israel to protect the Jewish people from Palestinian Islamic radicalism. In his remarks, he called on the faithful to unite in the face of a “common threat.” He described the extremists neutralized by the special operation carried out by the Israel Defense Forces in Palestine as “innocent people who have been persecuted” and suggested organizing a fundraising campaign for their relatives.

In addition, in an informal meeting with U.S. State Department officials on 11/26/2023, U.S. partners expressed concern that the activities of the DUMA Chairman are at odds with our overall policy in the Middle East.

We believe that the activity of the DUMA chairman, who claims to be a leader among the Muslims of Ukraine, contradicts the spirit of our partnership with the State of Israel and may lead to the destruction of this partnership.

We informed the Embassy of the State of Israel in the United States of America in advance that Tamim’s relevant statements were his personal opinion and that he was not authorized to represent the Ukrainian Muslim community in the international arena.

Letter from the Embassy of Ukraine in the U.S. addressed to the SBU [Source: Document courtesy of Valeriy Krylko]

The second document indicates that Kyiv has begun to take concrete steps with regard to religious institutions headed by Mufti Tamim and other Muslim organizations. In particular, a letter from the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine sent to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine refers to such measures as the suspension of financial transactions of individuals and legal entities that “may be linked to Islamic terrorism in Palestine” as part of the “fight against Islamic radicalism”:

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine dated 04.12.2023 ¹ 26100-05-6/6667 the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine provides additional information on measures taken in November 2023 to combat Islamic radicalism.

The State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine is intensifying its analytical activities, information exchange and cooperation with the Prosecutor General’s Office, the National Police and other law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Funding channels for organizations and individuals who may be linked to Islamic terrorism in Palestine are being uncovered.

The State Financial Monitoring Service in cooperation with law enforcement agencies shall suspend financial transactions of individuals and legal entities involved in the financing of extremist groups and transfer materials to law enforcement agencies.

Thus, together with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), an inspection of the functioning of a financing scheme for structures suspected of involvement in terrorist organizations has been launched:

Religious organization “Spiritual Center of Muslims of Ukraine ‘Ahmadiyya.’”. Coatuu code – 42751427. Address: 204, Ranetnaya str., Kyiv, 04128, Ukraine. Manager: Grace Molotka;

Religious organization “Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Ukraine.” Coatuu code – 21655254. Address: 46 Lukyanivska str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine. President: Tamim Ahmed Mohamad Mutih;

Religious organization “Islamic University.” Coatuu code – 21655260. Address: 46 Lukyanivska str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine. President: Tamim Ahmed Mohamad Mutih;

Public organization “Council of Muslim Elders of Ukraine.” Coatuu code – 44557537. Address: 46 Lukyanivska str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine. President of the organization: Tamim Ahmed Mohamad Mutih;

Public organization “Association of Muslim Women of Ukraine.” Coatuu code – 41475519. Address: 46 Lukyanivska str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine. Head of the organization: Kateryna Aleksandrovna Yurchenko;

Charitable organization “Charitable Foundation ‘Give Hope.’” Coatuu code – 43729832. Address: 46, Lukyanovskaya str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine. President of the organization: Mr. Ravil Safiullin Safievich Safiullin;

Subsidiary of Irshad High School, part of the Islamic University religious organization. EDRPU code – 24093294. Address: 16-A Popudrenka str., Kyiv, 02100, Ukraine. Director: Tamim Ahmed Mohamad Mutih;

Public organization “Union of Muslims of Ukraine.” Coatuu code – 39277247. Address: 9 Gradinskaya str., office 35, Kyiv, 02222, Ukraine. Head of the organization: Khairullaev Elimdar Ibazerovich;

Public association “All-Ukrainian Association ‘Union of Muslims of Ukraine.’” Coatuu code – 43370820. Address: Ukraine, 03057, Kyiv, Kad Dovzhenko., 10, office 13. Head of the organization: Saidakhmetov Dilyaver Seitmamutovich.

On November 15, 2023, the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine sent a number of appeals to partner financial regulators with a request to strengthen financial supervision over financial transactions related to the above organizations.

Letter of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine addressed to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine [Source: Document courtesy of Valeriy Krylko]

Letter of the State Financial Monitoring Service of Ukraine addressed to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine [Source: Document Courtesy of Valeriy Krylko]

The Kyiv regime continues to organize repression against its citizens, focusing attention on the Muslim community. Who will next fall under the boot of the current leadership, we can only guess…


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  1. According to the Economist Democracy Index which ranks 164 countries, there are 24 countries in the world with Full Democracies which includes Canada and Norway with Norway ranked number one in the world. There are 50 countries with flawed democracies which include the United States and India. There are 34 countries which have Hybrid Regimes which include Ukraine (Hybrid Regimes are less democratic then flawed democracies). There are 59 countries that are considered authoritarian Regimes. This includes Belarus and Iran just to name a couple.

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