Already made vacation plans? How about something completely new? How about a country where “the air smells of freedom”? How about a vacation in Ukraine? The brave political tourists have led the way: British prime ministers (three in number), the American president, the German chancellor, the entire European Commission and many...
The U.S. media and Washington political establishment has been unified in condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and in lauding the Ukrainian resistance. Censored reports from the Donbass in Eastern Ukraine, however, make clear that the war was started eight years ago by Ukraine–after its legitimate government was overthrown in a...
Kiev and Moscow say they are moving towards a compromise amid the continuation of hostilities Against the backdrop of ongoing hostilities in Ukraine, Moscow and Kiev have revealed there has been movement towards compromise in their negotiations. Negotiators have met three times in Belarus and are now communicating online. According to...
In Reality It Resulted Largely from Kyiv’s Destruction of Eastern Ukraine’s Economy Under Neo-Liberal Economic Policies Pushed by Washington Since the 1990s The war in Ukraine is commonly seen through one of two lenses. The vision presented by Western, NATO-aligned powers is one of an astro-turfed Donbas separatism created by...
The AFL-CIO recently hosted a fundraiser by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) which aimed to support labor organizations in Ukraine assisting families suffering through the current crisis. One of the labor organizations is the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) which is a partner of the AFL-CIO’s...
A Part of Obama’s Legacy that Presumably Won’t Be Celebrated in his $482 Million Presidential Library I recently witnessed the exhumation of human remains from a mass grave that contains more than 200 bodies. It was a profound and profoundly disturbing experience. Each body in this grave represents an unnecessary...
Deletion needed to preserve big lie of an unprovoked Russian invasion The National Endowment for Democracy (NED)—a CIA offshoot founded in the early 1980s to advance “democracy promotion” initiatives around the world—has deleted all records of funding projects in Ukraine from their searchable “Awarded Grants Search” database. The archived webpage captured February 25, 2022 from...
Part 5 in our Biden Series: The long suppressed facts involving Biden and the Ukraine are clear, documented, and undisputed, even though you will never read them in The New York Times...
Secret Meeting with British MI6 Head Richard Moore Points to the Likelihood That Zelensky Is a British Intelligence Agent In October 2020, on a visit to London, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky met with Sir Richard Moore, the head of the British intelligence service, MI6. The usual diplomatic protocol is for...
Ukrainian Regime Does Not Hide Its Celebration of Fascists Who Wanted to Cleanse Ukraine of “Asiatic” Muscovite Influence The current war in Ukraine has caused an avalanche of propaganda and distortion. Beyond the farcical reports of fictional Ukrainian pilots and babushkas with pickle jars taking on Russian drones, there...