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About the Author


  1. Just received note about donation indicating it was “reoccurring”. Does this mean monthly or yearly? Do NOT WANT a monthly, reoccurring donation. Please contact at 1-608-257-5750 to correct any misunderstanding.

  2. Press Kit for Ed Donegan and his own books regarding JFK RFK, Truther and Airline Disasters
    New William Cooper Patriotic Sovereign Press ™

    *.*.* *.*.*

    Books series on The Deep State and the CIA Special Relationship With Great Britain

    My name is Edward Paul Donegan and I self-publish under the name New William Cooper while under police harassment threat and violence. I describe my life and survival efforts akin to those of Dorothy Hunt, Lee Bowers Jr., Jean Hill, Jim Garrison, and others whose accounts of our history and families runs against the official accounts.

    Mark Lane (State of New York 1964 Campaign Manager for President John f. Kennedy) died after expositting the same wide-ranging Super Conspiracy Theory I Edward Paul Donegan hold. My connection to the events of the Kennedy assassinations is through my father and mother, my father of Boston a Roman Catholic who left the church and my mother Glorian of North Carolina I suspect tied to Dean Rusk and the Rockefeller world philanthropy activities also tied to the CIA and “policy coordination.” That involved the CIA and MKULTRA from Folsom Prison, Jonestown Guyanna, and a Warren Commission cover-up of the actual assasination details that would have exonerated Lee Harvey Oswald and his family.

    Today break-ins, fabricated evidence, and covert provocateurs have left me homeless and often without access to computer equipment or internet access and the struggle for those continues. I am the last living member of my family as I struggle to tell this story told by others also but others were not believed until I hope now as I corroborate them in my own accounts..

    I come from a family of two historically connected (all lives are historical, the events they are trapped in may or may not be noticed and they may or may not be noticed) and the history is with Joseph Kennedy Sr., his and Rose Fitzpatrick’s children, their deaths including JFK and RFK, other deaths including Sonny Bono, and the McMartin preschools scandal some (Ted Gunderson) and others say were CIA connected, and George H.W. Bush connected like the Conspiracy of Silence case Ted Gunderson and CIA operatives William Colby and John DeCamp wrote about.

    James Paul Donegan was born in Dorchester Massachusetts a Roman Catholic. He met Glorian Donegan and married her in 1952. He joined the US Army Air Force and may have been a test pilot for the P-51 at Inglewood and certainly flew it in WWII over Europe as a RECON Pilot and later took part in the first and second atomic bombing of Japan. As part of that he watched the Los Alamos New Mexico test blast from a nearby tower. Following WWII he flew in the Korean war from ATUSGI and later for TWA where he seemed to know Barry Seal and “Florence” from accounting.

    He might have been famous if not for the needs of his wife Glorian he divorced for other reasons (volatile emotions she had) in 1980 or so. She herself might have been famous had she not had the Bastard Parents Combo – One famous perhaps aristocratic parent and one parent the person the aristocrat had an affair with and is trying to hide. A child of the Famous (Windsors) and Infamous (Kutscheras). In Glorian’s case it appears a philandering Windsor (Albert or Edward) and Maria Kutchera the ex-noviate Nun who became pregnant and was the niece of Nazi SS General Franz Kutchera. These children (more than one) were move into North Carolina withe Dean Rusk area likely as a favor to the Von Trapps and Winsdor’s and Glorian was given a fake name and birth records of falsified parents.

    Like St John Hunt son of E. Howard Hunt I am telling the story of the Bush Family Treason and CIA downing of airplanes (such as UAL 533) that cover up the Ford Nixon Bush Rockefeller ties into the assassination of JFK and RFK and others by the CIA.

    “Did they do that, shoot down the plane Dorothy Hunt was on?” “Could they” “Would they” and “Who are they?” all are questions. Chauncey Marvin Holt in one book and an appendix full of scanned and preserved documents answers as those questions that the conspiracy theory raise by telling of the secret CIA airbase in Grace Ranch once for gambling horses of Peter Licavoli) and other CIA secret air force operations and secret navy operation the CIA began in the Cold War to intercede in (while using disguises for both CIA personnel and CIA military equipment and crafts) wars around the world. That equipment ranging from pistols to howitzers and bombs and surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles were in a covert CIA command and the CIA had all to hide from the world about the assassination of JFK, Watergate, and more.

    Jim Donegan in the 1950’s was part of Mutagenic studies, his DNA part of atomic test blast and being airborne over Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Glorian was a bastard child of some Windsor family member or another (Edward or Albert) in a line like that the FOXP2 gene runs in that is very similar to ADHD and Dyslexia that responds to amphetamine treatments. Her secret connections to public figures who wanted to hide they had defects made her a good choice as an egg donor IF they wished (and they did) to study their offspring from generation to generation as Eugenics studies. So Mr Mutagenic meets Mrs Eugenics. And Dr Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA and Donald Barr were interested.

    The events of this conspiracy theory span Watergate, UAL flight 553, TWA Flight 800, the Bush and LBJ families oil connections and Murder Inc. used in the assassination of JFK, and the P-51 Inglewood Manhattan beach Los Angeles country assassination of Robert F. Kennedy. Los Angeles became the epicenter of this in the 1920’s when Joseph Kennedy Sr and (later Admiral) Halsey got some Windsor family bastard children out of wedlock, into orphanages and preschools in the USA where under hidden identities these children were examined at early ages for signs of the London FOXP2 gene that runs in some well connected elite families including the Kennedy Family (including Rosemary) Rockefeller family, and my own the Donegan family through Glorian and I Edward Paul Donegan express the gene.

    When Jim (my father) met Glorian (my mother) did it have anything to do with DNA? Yes and I was born in 1961 the year the Nobel Prize was given to DNA researchers basing their work on Slide 51.

    Chapters excerpted in full from accorss my books tell the story of my book series.

    Donegan Family Bio and Hunt Family Bio are the Answers HSCA Sought also online at

    RFKPamphlet.html also online at or better but more than 1 gigabyte with assets

    The Special Relationship and the Birth of Treason

    Joseph Kennedy Sr. was fitted into a 20th Century vest

    Indonesia Kenya Obamas 1958/IndonesiaKenyaObamas1958.htmlIndonesia Kenya Obama’s 1958 possible soon or now available for download with supporing files as well at

    The Death of Ted Gunderson and Others

    2018 Photo Timeline To 1926 a Dissident Press reporting MK-ULTRA and Deaths This shows that Conspiracy Theorist Jen Moore who told of the assasintion of JFK tied to Allen Dulles and the Kutschera bloodline indie the USA and US officials was part of the Donegan family story. May also be here

    Jet Pilot 1957 In this movie Howard Hughes and later Joseph Kennedy Sr RKO tell the story of Battle of Britain to Olga the Cold War USSR Russian pilot defector.

    The last chapter in RFK Pamphlet (or mini-book) shows my claim of being a Havana Syndrome victim of the CIA and DHS is shared by Ted Gunderson’s claim and includes the death of William Colby and others, all of us trying to expose the Family Jewels program and the McMartin School story and Franklin Nebraska Boystown cases were the CIA family jewels program tried to create elite family offspring under falsified names and background for (much like cold war USSR athletes) very early starts in espionage.

    Jen Moore was videographing the home of my mother an me when my mother and I lived in Arlington Virginia to explain the horror story that unfolded from her secret identity and its ties to Allen Dulles, the Kennedy assassination, etc., but she was killed before she was able to get the docs she had out and revel the names of myself and my mother and father. I confirm her “theories” and that she was a well informed truthteller of a truth the elites in the FBI, CIA, NSA and DHS, media, and elective offices fear.

    OAN Sits Down With Former FBI Agent Over Death Of Clinton Investigator retrieved from and copied or modified to here

    the deceased Jen MOore former Tracy PD later working for an illegal program of espionage and money laundering she was exposing the existence of. Many reports including a few of her own did contain sufficient error that her reports were discounted. Mostly her reports were anonymozed as she was planning to tell the whole story with names she had so far had left out.

    One America News
    the file contained in this book OANRG.mp4 probably will not play in the epub readers now but the video is on YouTube and One America News sites.

    A veteran journalist who was investigating possible [politically connected and politically] sex crimes from former President Bill Clinton is said to have been found dead in Washington D.C.

    Prince George’s County Police Department released a statement to One American News (AONN) regarding Jenny Moore’s death investigation saying officers found a woman unresponsive at a Washington DC hotel after a welfare check.

    The department claims the woman was pronounced dead at the scene. One America’s Neil W McCabe breaks down the case.

    FBI whistle blower Robyn grits told one American News her friend Jen Moore told her that if the wrong people found out about the documents, she had just obtained they would kill her.

    Gritz did not know what those documents (the were the story of Edward Donegan and Glorian Donegan) were but she does know that the FBI called her August 13th to tell her that her friend was dead this is the Capitol Heights Maryland hotel where Moore was found unresponsive by housekeeping.

    Grit said that she never knew Moore’s last name but that the police called her because she had listed the veteran FBI agent as the next of kin.

    “On Monday I was sitting towards the end of the day no sitting at my desk at work and I looked down and a lot of messages were coming in myself up and so I looked at on Twitter someone had messaged me you do know task force is that task force was the nickname for Moore and grits said that she used it instead of her name to protect her craite said that she thought it was all a sick joke but after calling around she confirmed that task force had passed and then the phone rang it was a detective from Prince George’s County Police Department and really really nice guy and he said I got your name and number to get her next-of-kin and he he just said you know this poor woman he goes suicide is it’s pretty much ruled out nothing to indicate suicide nothing to indicate a forced entry nothing to indicate of any kind of physical confrontation.

    the initial call was that Moore had suffered a seizure she said Robin Gretz was not just any FBI veteran for 16 years she was a top agent assigned to high-profile cases such as the Boston Marathon bombing and posted as the FBI’s liaison officer to the Defense Intelligence Agency six years ago. She filed a gender discrimination complaint but instead of addressing her concerns the FBI put her on unpaid leave and has slow walked her case.

    Using her skills she used Moore’s phone number to find three of the reporters relatives and passed on their details to the detective it was this personal history that formed the bond between the two women as more herself was a former California police officer who was targeted by her leadership. reported that Moore had come to them about the child molestation ring she was investigating with the help of a 26 year-old who said he was passed around the ring in the 1990s .

    I said you know you need to kind of focus on what you have here that is the most needed and and I thought you talked to someone ..

    Brett McCabe said she never knew what Moore was working on but she did know it was getting serious in the middle of doing all this research she realized she was possibly getting into some pretty dark places so she and she had documentation for everything so she texted me and said I got to find out who I can give this paperwork to and if it gets into the wrong hands someone will kill me and that was just I could say that was only about to speak before her her death was when she said if it gets in the wrong hands at one point she offered to take in more at her place in the Midwest but more never followed up on it she said now she is mourning a friend and fellow traveler I would describe and I actually just picked it up a little thing for her kind heart fierce minded brave spirit that’s exactly how I would describe Jenny.

  3. Though not in substance, yet in form, the struggle of the proletariat with the bourgeoisie is at first a national struggle. The proletariat of each country must, of course, first of all settle matters with its own bourgeoisie. In depicting the most general phases of the development of the proletariat, we traced the more or less veiled civil war, raging within existing society, up to the point where that war breaks out into open revolution, and where the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie lays the foundation for the sway of the proletariat. Hitherto, every form of society has been based, as we have already seen, on the antagonism of oppressing and oppressed classes. But in order to oppress a class, certain conditions must be assured to it under which it can, at least, continue its slavish existence. The serf, in the period of serfdom, raised himself to membership in the commune, just as the petty bourgeois, under the yoke of feudal absolutism, managed to develop into a bourgeois. The modern laborer, on the contrary, instead of rising with the progress of industry, sinks deeper and deeper below the conditions of existence of his own class. He becomes a pauper, and pauperism develops more rapidly than population and wealth.

  4. The ultimate US goal is for NATO and US to do to Russia what they did to Yugosavia in the 1990s. Under Putin, however, Russia has been aware of this goal ever since then. Russia has never recovered completely from the immense number of deaths and the destruction of WW2. so Putin has held fire until now. Russia celebrates its victory in WW2 every May 9. With luck it will celebrate victeory of NATO/US 2022.

  5. Whomever this Chris Kaspar de Ploeg might be, or might think he is, I hope that you will never again publish another of his gushing sewer of lies about Russia.

    The “Full Spectrum Dominance” crowd has had far more than enough help in their attempts to seize Russia, break it into small,helpless statelets and strip it of its vast and valuable natural resources. They need no assistance from creeps like de Ploeg.

  6. Dear Chris Agee,
    Executive Editor
    CovertAction Magazine

    Greetings from Nepal

    I am Deepak Gajurel, Associate Professor of Political Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal.

    As a regular reader of your magazine, online, I often go to your language section to read your posts in Nepali. But, I find the translation almost meaningless, in terms of language and comprehension.

    I suggest you to go for a better Nepali language translation.

    If you like, I can help you in translating your texts from English to Nepali.

    Best wishes for your continued efforts to inform reality to the world.

    Deepak Gajurel
    Associate Professor,
    Tribhuvan University,

  7. The Big Lie that Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine was “Unprovoked” It is the biggest lie because Russians they have a long list countries they invaded. Year 1956 Hungary, year1968 Czechoslovakia 1979 Afghanistan and now Ukraine

    • Satanists – your idols- loosing power for Man Kind. And you lost your spirit for Satan. Alaku Akbar, Inshalla tahrir and El pueblo unido jamas sera vensido. ! All servents of Satan are on hell declaration. All you, satanists on your way into Hell.

  8. Don’t give up. This could be the turning point in the public consciousness towards the retrograde lunatics running the world. The Assange affair has highlighted that national establishments and corporate/national media are essentially one and the same. Assange’s release could be the end of the subservient media dinosaur, and the new beginning for those who’ve stood opposed to it, at personal cost. Don’t give up, their arguments against Assange are full of holes. The whole thing is showing itself as corrupt.

  9. Keep on going. Assange has not yet been extradited. There’s still a good chance he won’t be.

    1) The default position in US and UK law is ‘innocent until proven guilty’. A US trial has already been prejudiced by myriad public comments by public figures, courts and officials that assume his guilt BEFORE extradition or trial. This is CONTEMPT OF COURT.

    2) The extradition court assumed his guilt before trial by arguing which prison he should be held in. This is also CONTEMPT OF COURT.

    3) All media is global and can be seen anywhere in the world. No jury can be unprejudiced in an Assange trial.

  10. Thank, Louis, Covert must be a wonderful group of Folks
    Appreciate the note on Magazine. What a gift to Bill, I communicated with him as a long-time friend.
    Having turned 4 score and ten myself, I can’t promise attendance, but convey my feelings.
    Be faithful and scatologize Pompeo, Bolton and Abrams and all
    of the other scum.

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