System Status

Server Upgrade – October 2021

[20210928 – 2:01pm EST]: Due to the high volume of traffic visiting our site, we need to transfer our website to a faster and more robust server–a process that has already begun. You may have difficulties accessing the site for several hours at a key point during DNS propagation, when Internet service provider (ISP) nodes across the world update their caches with our new DNS information. Stay tuned for updates on the specific timeframe. Thanks for all the love, and your patience.

Update 1 [20211001 – 2:15am EST]: We anticipate migrating CAM today, Friday October 1. We apologize in advance for any downtime you may experience today.

Update 2 [20211001 – 4:25am EST]: Migration is complete. DNS propagation in progress. Over next several hours, intermittent outage possible depending on your location worldwide.

Update 3 [20211001 – 12:40pm EST]: CAM is now running on a super fast server! Migration and DNS propagation complete, save one or two slow remote ISP nodes; those DNS caches should refresh within 24 hours, if not sooner. Enjoy!

Update 3 [20211003 – 15:01pm EST]: As of yesterday, all DNS caches at ISPs worldwide propagated with our new name servers, allowing all web browsers to point to CAM’s new server location. From our end, no perceivable downtime occurred during data migration and DNS propagation!

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