On April 7, 2022, the UN General Assembly voted to exclude Russia from the UN Human Rights Council. The resolution received the required two-thirds majority of those voting, minus abstentions, in the 193-member Assembly, with 93 nations voting in favor and 24 against.   The vote was highly politicized and...
In 2024, New Zealand leaves no doubt where it stands on the Gaza War. It is firmly on Israel’s side, having said nothing beyond general tut-tutting about the genocide being inflicted on the Palestinians by Israel. New Zealand government leaders have repeatedly condemned Hamas, with no equivalent condemnation of Israel’s...
Legendary Peace Researcher Owen Wilkes Was a Target Owen Wilkes (1940-2005) was a legendary New Zealand peace researcher and activist who devoted a considerable portion of his life to fighting against the creeping and corrupt presence of the U.S. military around the globe. Not surprisingly, Wilkes found himself in the crosshairs...
On May 19, forces calling themselves the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo launched what appears to be a failed coup attempt, attacking the home of the Deputy Prime Minister of Economy Vital Kamerhe, as well as the Congo’s presidential palace, Palais de la Nation...
People holding a sign with pictures of children Description automatically generated
On March 24th, this journalist exposed how London was at the forefront of efforts to launch a ground invasion of Yugoslavia, during NATO’s illegal March-May 1999 bombing campaign. Mercifully, this noxious project never came to pass, but declassified files show there was a further, secret component to Britain’s war effort...
On May 7, The New York Times ran an article comparing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to independent candidates in past elections like Ross Perot in 1992, Gary Johnson in 2016, and John Anderson in 1980, who functioned as spoilers or gave people the option of a protest vote. Previous...
Censorship and persecution of anti-war and anti-imperialists in the U.S. have extended to Canada where members of the country’s ruling elite—which increasingly align with U.S. foreign policies—have displayed utter hostility and contempt for immigrants who dissent against Canadian foreign policy. A Cold War climate was on display at a recent...
Guantánamo Bay prison is a monstrosity where hundreds of suspected terrorists have been held and tortured for years, many without being charged of any crime. To keep their humanity, many of the inmates produced paintings that were featured at a May 2 screening premiere event in Beverly Hills of I...
The CIA-linked Cicero Institute’s campaign to make it illegal to be homeless. A confluence of horrific policies is converging that threatens the freedom of homeless people in the United States. Governors and big city mayors across the western United States are demanding the “right” to drive the homeless from view...
Over 3,500 people gathered in Detroit, Michigan for a three-day People’s Conference for Palestine on May 24, 25 and 26. Led by the Palestinian Youth Movement, the conference highlighted the work that has already been done over the last 8 months but also the historical work done over years and decades in the struggle to end Zionist occupation...

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